Tuesday 4 October 2011


I have been 'MIA' this past long weekend because of certain events such as Maria & Helen's, Zarin's and my Aunty's wedding! Oh, the wedding. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME! I'll do a post about the wedding with photos later :) I shall catch on some of the challenge because I've been too lazy to do it but now I have nothing better to do, so I might as well do it now.

3. Your favourite television program
I love, love, love television! I remember as a little kid, my favourite show was Lizzie McGuire. I loved the way it depicted high school or in their case, "middle school". Americans are so weird. What's the purpose of a middle school anyways? But right now, my favourite shows are The Office (US) and Modern Family. Every episode makes me almost cry of laughter and all this waiting for a whole week for a new episode is making me really angry! D< I love mock-umentaries. On the contrary, I also love overly dramatised shows such as Gossip Girl and 90210. It's like, that messed up drama is a missing component of my life which I need to be fulfilled by watching it. Because really, does that melodramatic shit ever happen to anybody in this world?!! *sigh*

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