Thursday 13 October 2011

Angry Angus Burger

You think you are so good at everything but you aren't. You criticise everybody in everything and it's so annoying because you are no where near any better. You think everybody loves you, but actually, people are just too pussy and nice to say things to your face. I can't say the same for you however. You just say everything to people's faces without any regards for their feelings. I want to imprint my fist on your face but I'm too big of a pussy to do so. You piss me off so much that I needed to rant to my mum about you. She thought I was weird for being so angry about a person but whatever. You are the second most irritable person right now. I think everybody knows who the biggest douchebag on planet Earth right now is. End of rant one.

YOU'RE A CUNT. There, I said it. I said that word. And yes, this is douchebag numero uno. You go around calling people losers and fake. Why don't you stop social climbing for 2 seconds and take a look at your bloody self? You are the most fake and two-faced asswipe and you don't even deserve this space on the internet but I need to release this bottled anger or else I am going to kill someone. You are all talk and no walk. You think you are top shit because you have all these "friends" who you talk to online but can't even talk to in real life. You are a fake bitch. YOU ARE SO FAKE. You need to pretend to be a different person online because you are so insecure about yourself. You don't think anybody will like you for you, so you turn yourself into a sweet-talking, pompous jerk. That's it. You are so freaking insecure. You have no confidence in your personality. Maybe that's because you have very little. I hope you're satisfied with your new Facebook friends, knowing that they don't even talk to you for the real you. That is just pathetic. End of rant two.

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