Monday 31 October 2011

The Bold and the Boring

After listening to my mum lecture me about how I'm so useless because I couldn't even find work experience all weekend, I went to Specsavers today at Ingleburn and got it there. They are so nice and friendly! The sales chick was like "What's your name?" and I was like "Yvonne. But I don't really know how to say my name..." and I started going into the EEEE-vonne and a-von and e-vonne and so forth. And so did they. They had like this mini debate for 5 minutes about my name and what they would call me when I work there. It was so funny. Anyways, after spending half an hour or so in the shop, I went home and when I got home it was 4.30. Normally I would shower, eat and sleep or study or something but today I decided to watch tv. I remember when I was little, I would watch The Bold and the Beautiful with my mum everyday at 4.30 so today I decided to relive that childhood memory - minus my mum. The good thing about a soap opera that has been running for more than 20 years is that no matter how long you haven't watched it for, it'll always be the same story line. It's always about some rich guy that's having an affair, an evil mother meddling with her son's life because she is not fulfilled with her own and blah blah blah.
Anyways, Fitness First has this free thing in the holidays for teenagers, TIME TO GET MY FIT ON BITCHES!

Friday 28 October 2011

mid-life crisis

My father is currently going through a mid-life crisis. As his young daughter, I ought to be mortified... I was, until he let me throw a Hawaiian themed party! YAHOO! Well, let me tell you guys the full story. This afternoon, I came home from school to find my dad standing on a chair in the middle of the living room with all these electrical cords dangling from the roof. I was puzzled but I didn't really care because it was so hot and I was tired so I just went to my room. An hour later, I came out and found my parents going crazy because my dad had just replaced the main lights in the living room with a disco ball and put reflector lights around it. WHAT THE HECK! And he also had bought another strobe light and those circular lights where they have the coloured lights and they revolve around in circles? Yeah. It was like a rave in my living room... with my 45 year old parents being the ravers. I was so angry. I don't know why. Now that I think about it, it's quite funny. A few months ago, I asked my parents if we could take on the task of the annual Nguyen family Christmas party because I wanted to throw a Hawaiian themed party and they rejected me. Today, when I asked my dad why he had bought these stupid lights and installed them almost permanently in our house, he said it was for the Hawaiian party. I was just like HELLA YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! OMG NOW I AM SO PSYCHED TO THROW A HAWAIIAN PARTY! But it's going to be in November because my mum is going to have an operation yada yada. My mum said you guys are invited but I'm not sure you even want to come because my family is kind of crazy. TIME TO PLAN A HAWAIIAN PARTY NIGGZ! Aloha! :)

Wednesday 26 October 2011

uncivil, fat, dirty best friends forever

You are my best friend man. You have been there, everyday for the past two years or so. You are a serious person, listening to my problems and helping me and making me feel better. You are also the lamest person I know, but somehow your lameness translates into funniness. You are so awkward it's funny. If we don't talk for a day or two, I feel empty and sad (I KNOW YOU DO TOO, DON'T DENY IT). All those times I listened to your problems and you with mine have got to count for something. You are my best friend and will continue to be my best friend no matter what. Nobody is going to drive a wedge between us. Who else am I going to have happy hour with? Don't say that he is now my best friend because that is not true and you know it. Remember that time you stacked grass jelly cans? Yeah. That was fun. WE SHALL NOT DRIFT APART. NOT NOW. NOT EVER.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


My mum bought some tights/pants thingy from David Jones and it was $170 or something and she got it for $40 and she was so excited (as Asians get with their discounts) and then my dad was just like "they look like jockey pants" and now she's devo 4 lyf. At dinner, my mum was like "if you're going to marry an old guy, make sure he's really rich so when he dies, you can have all of his assets" and I thought she was kidding... but she wasn't... I think... omg so confusing. Anyways. I was like "I WANT TO MARRY A YOUNG GUY!!" and she was like "well, he has to be super handsome." Why did I just tell these pointless stories about my mum? Oh and one more retarded thing my mum told me today she was like "Bosses don't like to hire women because they get pregnant and they have monthly madness". Who the heck calls it monthly madness? WHERE IS MY MONTHLY MADNESS? GAHHHHHH.

Monday 24 October 2011


Welcome to Miss Joanne Ly, my newest reader, hopefully you can fit my blog into your hectic schedule ;) Anyways. I think that my body is finally giving in to all of the torture I put it through everyday. It is quite confronting. All these headaches, muscle tension, unexplained blotches, nausea and extreme tiredness is probably due to my "lack of sleep", eating a lot of crappy junk food and not drinking enough milk and water. OOOOOH, big problems right? But to me it is. My body feels like crap nowadays. I can't really focus and I'm always sick in some way or another. I really don't know what to do. My doctor is such a big help and so is the internet T_T Maybe my periods are just super duper late... which they are by the way. The only thing that's been getting me through these past few weeks are those good friends of mine. Oh, and Paradise by Coldplay :)

Saturday 22 October 2011

They call me Osama

Today at English tutor, I had to deliver an "inspirational" speech. Henry and Anthony kept laughing at me which made me laugh and made me mix up so words which lead to me dropping the F bomb in front of the teacher and my fellow classmates. This always happens to me!! Once, in debating this year, I mixed up some of my words and then I was like "FUCK!" and then after that, I was like "SHIT!" because I realised I had dropped the F bomb. Gawwwwwwww. Anyways, after tutor Joanne took out a brown paper bag and gave it to me. To my surprise, there were macaroons in there! One was supposed to be for Emily T but she didn't want one which is a surprise because Emily Truong is a fat whale (not really). They were blueberry flavoured and very yummy, thank you Joanne! (even though you don't read my blog)

Friday 21 October 2011

Weekly Notices

This week has been a weird week. To my dismay, I rediscovered a flame that I thought was dead. I also had a crazy migraine through out the week. It was bearable for the most part but sometimes it felt like somebody was squeezing my brain between two heavy metal slabs. It was fucking painful. I also watched SNSD's video of The Boys or whatever. And yes this is in my negative paragraph. I kind of liked it though. But it's still in the bad part of my week.

Not to worry, there is a cherry to my pie (or several cherries actually). We got our English trials back and in my eyes, I could have done better. But I'm pretty satisfied with my mark so whatevz. This week, Richard, Renee, Sabrina, Anita and I reconnected by reminiscing our crazy, stupid, love we have for each other as friends. It all started when Richard was like "I have no friends." and I was like "I'm your friend Richard!!" and he didn't believe me, so I answered all these questions about him to "prove" that I really am his friend. I obviously prevailed. It's surprising how much we all know about each other to the most minuscule aspect of our lives! That was such a good lunch. And today in English, Miss Rizk was imitating people and we asked her to imitate Matthew but she was like "Nah, I can't be bothered" and everybody just cracked up laughing because that is exactly what Matthew is like! I guess rediscovering an old flame could be good as well, because that's always fun... while it lasts. AND I FOUND WORK EXPERIENCE! HALLELUJAH! 

Saturday 15 October 2011

High School Sweethearts

You know that wedding I went to yesterday? Well, it turns out they have been dating since Year 10 and it's been 10 years. It was so cute because the whole bridal party have practically known each other since Year 7. During the groomsmen and bridesmaids speeches, they all had inside jokes from high school and stuff. It was so sweet!! Then they played a slideshow of the couple and it full had photos from their high school formals and stuff and I had this weird feeling, like I was actually touched by it or something. I'm not a sucker for corny, love stories but this was just too cute!! Although I am anti high school relationships (oh the irony, I was young and stupid and they don't even count to me so whatevz), this just goes to show anything can happen.  *sighs* I hope I will have a fairy tale ending one day. But life is life. Forever alone bitches.

Why do we call cranberries and blackberries berries? | The Hot Word | Hot & Trending Words Daily Blog at

Why do we call cranberries and blackberries berries? | The Hot Word | Hot & Trending Words Daily Blog at

Just a random article that I found interesting.

Friday 14 October 2011

a bucket for my creyz

This morning I woke up at 7am to get ready and go to yet another wedding. This time they weren't that close to us (literally and figuratively), the family are like my mum's cousins in Flemington and we never see them. It was a pretty cool wedding though, even though I didn't know anyone *CREYZ* and I'm just wasting time before I have to get ready for the night reception. Ughhhh. This side of the family is my teochew (is that how you spell?) side and we aren't very close so it will be lame and uber boring. Gahhhh.

Anyways, I'm so excited to see 'The Thing' and 'Contagion' and maybe 'Paranormal Activity 3' (if I muster the courage and balls to do so). WHY MUST THEY RELEASE ALL OF THIS NOW?! WHY! WHYY! Does it look like I have money to go see three movies? No. I need to find a freaking job. I miss having money in my bank ): I also need to find work experience. I am so screwed.

Art of Dessert: Quick Fix Microwave Brownie

Art of Dessert: Quick Fix Microwave Brownie: Okay, I have my moments when I'm really REALLY craving for a chocolate brownie topped with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream and I don't wa...

Thursday 13 October 2011

Angry Angus Burger

You think you are so good at everything but you aren't. You criticise everybody in everything and it's so annoying because you are no where near any better. You think everybody loves you, but actually, people are just too pussy and nice to say things to your face. I can't say the same for you however. You just say everything to people's faces without any regards for their feelings. I want to imprint my fist on your face but I'm too big of a pussy to do so. You piss me off so much that I needed to rant to my mum about you. She thought I was weird for being so angry about a person but whatever. You are the second most irritable person right now. I think everybody knows who the biggest douchebag on planet Earth right now is. End of rant one.

YOU'RE A CUNT. There, I said it. I said that word. And yes, this is douchebag numero uno. You go around calling people losers and fake. Why don't you stop social climbing for 2 seconds and take a look at your bloody self? You are the most fake and two-faced asswipe and you don't even deserve this space on the internet but I need to release this bottled anger or else I am going to kill someone. You are all talk and no walk. You think you are top shit because you have all these "friends" who you talk to online but can't even talk to in real life. You are a fake bitch. YOU ARE SO FAKE. You need to pretend to be a different person online because you are so insecure about yourself. You don't think anybody will like you for you, so you turn yourself into a sweet-talking, pompous jerk. That's it. You are so freaking insecure. You have no confidence in your personality. Maybe that's because you have very little. I hope you're satisfied with your new Facebook friends, knowing that they don't even talk to you for the real you. That is just pathetic. End of rant two.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


It seems that all of the hype right now is One Direction or is it 1Direction? or whatever. I don't know. I was like, ewwwww, lame, crappy, English boy band that can't even sing! I never looked them up or anything, I just decided to leave it at that. But I got really bored and after having Gloria nag me about them for weeks, I decided to open up youtube and check 'em out. What started as a mere act of curiosity has turned into a fleeting obsession!!! Now I'm a horny fangirl on the internet like Sylvia. I was always kind of one but now that I have something new to feast my eyes on, I guess it's fired up again. AHDGWJAGRAGHHHHHH!!! Don't get me wrong, One Direction cannot sing. I won't even deny it! THEY SUCK! Their failed attempts at harmonising makes my ears bleed. They can sing individually, but not together. It's so icky and messy and ejrhwjekrhkwjer. Why did X Factor decide to make groups anyways? That totally restricts peoples talents. Oh well.

Niall (what kind of name is that?!!), Zayn and Liam. MY FAVOURITES!!! Niall is so freaking funny. He does these weird presenter voices and stuff erjkhewkjrehkaraghhhh and his eyes are so blue!! Zayn is so hot and he is good at eating chili. Maybe it's because he is so hot. And Liam is so quiet (like Liam at school) but this Liam kind of looks like Andrew Garfield, anyone else see it? 



Monday 10 October 2011

Wedding photos!

My little cousin Angela, it's tradition for someone to bring the groom a pot of tea when he arrives at the bride's house and she got a red pocket from him. Right before this happened, she fell down the stairs. So she was fully crying, as little kids do. 

This is my aunty coming down the stairs with my grandpa. Doesn't her ao dai look beautiful?!! I'm not a fan of the traditional Vietnamese dress but hers was spectacular... Obviously because she was the bride. 

The bride and maid of honour (my other aunty), both of their dresses are stunning! GAH! 

Family photo. Nyah! My dad wasn't even looking. 

The bride and groom and two flower girls! So cute :)

Bride, groom, maid of honour, best man, flower girls and page boys! 

This is my super wacky uncle and whenever he meets his nieces and nephews, he ruffles their hair like a maniac. IT IS SO SCARY. 

This is so mad. Looks like a lot of fun even though they aren't even riding it. It looks cool. 

I really like this photo. I dunno why. I have a soft spot for pro wedding photos, even if the couples look really fake and cheesy most of the time. It's so cute. 

Sunday 9 October 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

...Not really. The last week has been completely dismal and almost impossible to plan events according to the weather. Spring is supposed to be a lovely season, if not the best season. Flowers are supposed to bloom, pollen heavily present in the air (hahaha hay fever sufferers!), sun rays penetrating through the curtains to wake you up from a moderate 15 degree slumber. Spring of 2011, however, is the complete and total opposite. If you went out for a picnic, you would probably drown in the insurmountable waters present in the grass. Why am I talking about Spring? One of the days of the challenges is "talk about your favourite season" or something. So much for my favourite season. I just finished up my take on 'The Road Not Taken' for the English assessment. Hopefully the analysis I created with a massive migraine due to a messed up sleeping pattern will suffice. I highly doubt this. I had the biggest mind block today but then I watched the video on Jacinda's blog and got inspired. Thanks to Jacinda's video and old school Maroon 5 background music, I'd say today was productive... Compared to how I've been spending my past few weeks anyways.

Saturday 8 October 2011

melted ice cream

The anchor has been brought up from the ocean floor and the ship has sailed. The kite has finally detached itself from the string and flown to wondrous places, far away from here. I guess you could say the fire has completely burned out. Finally, that pathetic and unrequited feeling is gone. This is quite a milestone.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Roy G. Biv

Hooray for my title (if you didn't get it, its the mnemonic for the order of colours on the colour wheel/spectrum). Why am I mentioning it? It's the oh so bothersome challenge I decided to do.

5. Tell us your three favourite colours
Firstly, who even has THREE favourite colours? I don't even have one favourite colour, let alone three. That's ridiculous. People may have a colour scheme of three colours that they think work well together, but who the heck has three favourite colours? Just sayin'! I like black. Hey, don't attack me art fanatics because black is technically not a colour or whatever. When I buy clothes, I tend to opt for the black version of everything. Black is just so versatile and "sleek". Sea foam green is very nice as well. So is coral. And teal. I love teal. My power chains are teal right now. Speaking of which, I'm going to the orthodontist next week and if all is well, I should be getting my braces off soon (FINALLY). Yay!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Rembrandts

4. Talk about your closest friend(s)
I probably have a few very close friends but for the most part, I have a lot of good friends. Although most of my close friends have left/leaving our school for Hurlstone, I know we will maintain our friendship even though we won't get to see each other everyday. For my good friends, as we venture into the senior years together, let the good times roll! Why am I even excited at the prospect of starting Year 11? I should be soaking up all of the freedom of being a Year 10 student while I can. Why is the title of this post The Rembrandts? They are the band that sing the 'FRIENDS' theme song (I'll be there for youuuuuu) and I thought it was relevant. I used to judge my friend Heidi for watching Friends for some weird reason, but then I got into it. I do that a lot. My good friends will tell you.


I have been 'MIA' this past long weekend because of certain events such as Maria & Helen's, Zarin's and my Aunty's wedding! Oh, the wedding. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME! I'll do a post about the wedding with photos later :) I shall catch on some of the challenge because I've been too lazy to do it but now I have nothing better to do, so I might as well do it now.

3. Your favourite television program
I love, love, love television! I remember as a little kid, my favourite show was Lizzie McGuire. I loved the way it depicted high school or in their case, "middle school". Americans are so weird. What's the purpose of a middle school anyways? But right now, my favourite shows are The Office (US) and Modern Family. Every episode makes me almost cry of laughter and all this waiting for a whole week for a new episode is making me really angry! D< I love mock-umentaries. On the contrary, I also love overly dramatised shows such as Gossip Girl and 90210. It's like, that messed up drama is a missing component of my life which I need to be fulfilled by watching it. Because really, does that melodramatic shit ever happen to anybody in this world?!! *sigh*