Wednesday 28 December 2011

Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd

Today I was awoken very abruptly from my slumbers by my parents to go and pick up my cousin from the airport (she was in QLD for the past week or so). Normally I wouldn't have gone for a number of reasons, loving my sleep being at the top of the list, but today we were going to the new IKEA at Tempe! My dad had no idea where it was because he hadn't bothered to look up the address or anything but we found it pretty easily. When we walked into the entrance, my mum was like "I hope you bought your credit card!!" (jokingly but not jokingly? Idk) to my dad. And he started patting his pockets 'looking' for his wallet and he was like "Oh no, where's my wallet?!" and we all thought he was joking but he actually forgot his wallet. Silly dad, driving on a double demerits week without his licence!!

Oh how I love IKEA! There's just something so inviting about uber contemporary pieces of furniture with unpronounceable names. It has that "new" smell right from the get go and a warm atmosphere buzzing with first time home owners, self proclaimed "renovators" bored with their lives, tourists (oooh, a table; what a site!! They totally traveled across the world for this super enriching experience) and random families that have lived in Sydney too long and have nowhere new to go (yup, that's us). Although I hardly get anything tremendous from the place (last time I got a lantern and tealight candles which I never use and this time I got nothing because I am selfless and my sister is not!), I love it nonetheless. Who wouldn't love an overly extravagant home furnishings store with a cafeteria with overly priced pastries which also offers free wi-fi (within the vicinity of the cafeteria, of course)? I hope I've sold IKEA to anybody who still hasn't gone, although my subtle cynicism probably failed in that department.

Also, I stumbled (more like stalked around on Facebook) upon Tanya's (the professional public speaker and debater) "newly launched food blog" or whatever she said it was! I urge all foodies and baking enthusiasts to check it out because this gal knows what she's talking about!

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