Monday 19 December 2011

New Year's Resolutions

1. STRESS LESS. Stress has been the main root to all of my evils this year; migraines, tension headaches, nausea, mental and emotional breakdowns. I will do my best to care less about pointless things and therefore stress less! I will also try to not worry myself to death over things that I cannot change and invest my brain space into things that are actually within my power to change. "Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

2. STUDY HARDER. I need to stop playing around and focus on studying hard for the next two years. Not just last minute cramming for a test but just a regular routine of study (I bet all of you that are reading this are like "PSH AS IF", but I will try my best to stick to my word and by blogging about it to my friends, it makes me more liable to do so, so HMPF). How else am I going to get a good enough ATAR to get into the course that I want? *sigh*

3. SMARTER SPENDING. I had a super low-paying job this year and despite the fact that I had to work uberly hard for money, I found myself spending it everywhere without any care or rationality. Most of the time when I was buying things, I even knew that I didn't need it and/or wouldn't use it that many times but I still couldn't stop my urge to spend and buy stupid things. What's worse it that all of my friends are crazy spenders as well and I'm probably the most rational when it comes to shopping.

4. BE POSITIVE. Most people that really know me will know that I'm an overly sarcastic pessimist most of the time. Personally, I enjoy being this way. I love being the rain on everybody's parade. I'm only joking most of the time (there's a bit of truth behind every joke) but sometimes I feel like I overdo it or take it too far and that is why I shall try to be less mean and pessimistic and be more joyous and happy and kind to people!

N.B: All of the above are only goals that I aspire to in 2012, there is no guarantee that any of these will be fulfilled so please do not file a law suit against me if they are not completed to your satisfaction or else you better prepare yourself for an ass wooping. Bye.