Tuesday 6 December 2011

A good sport

Today was our last sport day for 2011 (unless you are going to school next week which Dolstra seemed firm about...) and it was very fun indeed. First we had maths and Renee, Richard, Queen and Maria were doing the quadratic handout but they were so confused and it was so freaking funny when Richard asked me if the quadratic formula was blah blah blah and Queen thought he was making up bullshit. ANYWAYS. Geo was normal and then in English we had a PIZZA PARTY! At first we were just eating lollies in the classroom and playing "ENERGISERS" from Peer Support (I guess we gained something from those useless 12 hours of "training" after all) and then we went to the oval to play a class "Knots" while we waited for our pizzas to arrive. Pizzas arrived, we ate them and Kimberly was fully dying from the Jalapenos, weakling! Then, we had a crazy lunch doing weird voodoo stuff and then we had tennis! I was just walking when I felt someone spraying me with water and that's when all hell unleashed! We had a water fight at tennis and I got Renee good enough for her to remember while she plays tennis with the cows next year! Alex was drowning in his sorrows as we walked to station because his racquet is broken and his finals are this week... I think. Anyways, I was just on Facebook and one of my bogan friends uploaded this photo and I think it is AMAZEBALLS.

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