Thursday 22 December 2011

365 Days

It's amazing how things change so greatly in just a year; how different everything was only one, measly year ago. I'm sitting here looking back at the close friendships I used to have and wondering what happened but at the same time grateful for the friendships I've been able to maintain throughout such a hectic year. Not only that but I'm also thinking about the new relationships that have formed in a year. People that used to slip through the cracks of the pavement a year ago have become the concrete that keeps me together (why did I just turn my life into a pavement? I don't even know, I would have never done that a year ago!). It's perplexing how different I am now from how I was last year. I used to be so happy, healthy and carefree. For the most part, this year has been the complete opposite. Apart from a few people that brought some kind of happiness into my life, this year has been pretty crap. This year (more so than others for certain reasons) I heard about and read (and analysed in great detail for an annoying assessment task) about how people go on journeys and how as a result of their travels, their ideologies change or they find themselves or something of the like. I thought it was all cliche crap made up for students like us to have something to write about for an AOS Assessment for English. But as I sit here in the dark, listening to the sad, woeful ballads of Coldplay and doing some reflecting on the year that was, I now see that Year 10 was a significant part of my high school journey. If a journey being only two thirds complete so far has already seen such drastic change to myself and those around me, I wonder what (or more like who) we will become by the end of Year 12. And now I've taken a post about change and reflection within a year and turned it into a weird, futuristic, semi-philosophical (or so I'd like to think) series of rambles. At least I still have a mild form of attention deficit disorder where I can't seem to stick to one topic for more than a few minutes. This post has no structure whatsoever and is just a little extract from my overly cluttered mind at the moment, MY APOLOGIES!

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