Monday 26 December 2011


Today I went over my aunty's house at Canley Heights for a small gathering with my mum's side and Laurence and his mumma also came. I got my Christmas pressie from Laurence and it was a mini Mini Cooper!!! and a mini wannabe Vespa. I'm not going to go into deetz but I can't believe he still remembers :') We haven't been as close lately but this present indicates that our bond is always there, even when we don't know it. I love you Laurence; my brutha from anotha mutha (not that you even read my blog anymore)!!!

Then after we ate the typical Asian bbq stuff we decided to lose our pot bellies so we went for a walk and decided to crash Renee's house. On our way, we came across a dead kitten on the side of the road and it was the saddest thing I've ever seen. It just lay there, so helpless. Nobody had bothered to do anything!! I wanted to call RSPCA or something but Laurence (being the manly man he is) just ran away so after a few long minutes of staring hopelessly at the kitten, I just left it. I feel so bad, but there was nothing I could do in that moment ): Then we got to Renee's house and she was so freaked out when we knocked on her door cuz she was home alone! hahahaha, and then we just caught up for like an hour or so. It was so nice to be with the BIFFLZ again! We haven't been together just the three of us in so long and Renee is leaving next year as well! *death stare*

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