Saturday 3 December 2011


Today, I woke up to my baby god brother's cry which is very weird because out of my whole extended family, we are the only ones that live in this area. They all live around the Canterbury area so we never get visits from them. So I woke up and found that more aunts and uncles were on their way down here so that we could all go to The Party Warehouse in Campbelltown to buy masks and that of the like for an upcoming masquerade themed party we are having. Once everybody arrived, we all headed off at 11am and I rode with my newlywed aunty and uncle and it turns out I'm really bad at giving directions because we were in the left lane and the Party Warehouse is on the right hand side and by the time I realised, it was too late. Ha ha ha, not living up to my womanly stereotype at all. My family is very loud (as with any Asian family) but it seemed louder because we weren't in Cabramatta where all da Asians at, we were in Campbelltown; where all da white people at. It was slightly embarrassing, but hey, that's why I love them. We're always kidding around, regardless of the weird looks we get from passing strangers. Yeah, so we got all of our masks and called up all the other cousins and stuff to see if they needed masks... That was quite fun. Shopping is such a good form of family bonding! Then we went back home and discussed costumes and shizzeh and then they went home a while ago. So we are having a masquerade party on the 17th and a Christmas party the week after. PARTY LIFE BITCHES.

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