Thursday 19 January 2012

What a wreck

So you may or may not have heard that I was in a car accident yesterday (and no, I was not driving). My mum, sister and I were coming back from Liverpool because I had an orthodontist appointment and it was around 10.30am when we got hit. We were approaching an intersection and the ute in front of us stopped suddenly, so my mum broke quickly and we came to a complete stop. I remember thinking "Oh thank goodness, we didn't have an accident" but what seemed like 30 seconds (when in actual fact it was only 2 or 3 seconds) later, a car from behind smashed into our car so hard that it projected our car into the ute. You know how dumb ass bitches in movies stand under a chandelier and wait for it to fall on them; paralysed by a state of "shock"? Well, I was a dumb ass bitch yesterday waiting for the chandelier to fall on me. In the moments after the crash, I didn't realise we had an accident. I just sat in the passenger seat, looking around, not processing what had just happened. All these people pulled over and got out and started making phone calls and then the man who smashed into our car came to my window and was like "Are you okay? Is everybody okay?" but I couldn't open my door and that's when I realised something bad had happened. The front of our car was so badly crumpled that our doors were jammed and we couldn't open them. So my mum and I just sat in there, while my sister got out of the car (because she was sitting in the back). The attention quickly shifted to the man in the ute in front of us. His ute was fine but the force was so strong that it had smashed his entire window. It was horrific. People were shouting "Are you okay?" but he wasn't responding and everybody started to worry. I climbed out of the car through the back and realised that there was something leaking from our engine (now I know it was just the cooling stuff, or whatever) but I was worried so I told my mum to get out. She was just sitting in the car and crying because she thought she killed the man in front of us. The old man started crying and started talking so we knew he was alive at least. By the time that I got out of the car, a lady had already called the police, ambulance and fire brigade. What an awesome lady. So blah blah blah, two ambulance vans arrived and it took them forever to get that man into a stretcher and off to hospital. Then they asked us if we had any injuries and I complained of a little neck pain (which was probably just whiplash) but they strapped a neck brace on me and put me on the bed and off to hospital I went. It was quite fun but I kept crying for some reason. The accident made me go into a state of deep thinking and it was weird. So I went to hospital and they got my pulse and blood pressure and x-ray and stuff, turns out it was only a neck sprain so after I had a chance to eat some hospital food, I was discharged.

After a such a horrible day, I decided to be positive and think of the things that I was grateful for. I was grateful for the fact that there were no fatalities. I am grateful that our car was sandwiched in the middle of the accident. Why? Because even with our car absorbing most of the force from the reckless speeder (yeah, he got a charge for speeding) the man in front was still severely injured. If our car hadn't been there, there is a great chance that he would have died. You could say that our car took the hit. Ha, why am I making punny jokes about this situation? I guess it hasn't hit me yet. HAHA. Anyway, I guess it was all "meant to be".

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