Thursday 5 January 2012

365 Grafeful Project

As I was munching away at my uberly bland cornflakes this morning, I was watching Sunrise and a segment came up about how to create your own happiness. Seeing as I've been feeling a little down a lot (contradictory? lulz) lately I think I am going to undergo this project and see how it turns out. Many people that I know hate taking up 365 projects because it turns into such a hassle which causes it to lose its meaning, but I derrrno, I feel inspired to do something about my unhappiness. This project is called The 365 Grateful Project  and is self-explanatory; take a photo every day of something that you are grateful for. I think this will allow for me to realise the little things that make up this supposedly beautiful thing called 'life'. I hope that everybody follows my progress because by posting it on my blog, it makes me liable for not completing it! I tend to give up on things too easily but I will not fail this. Even if it is just for the sake of not failing. So here's to the start, duration and completion of Yvonne's 365 Grateful Project! :) And yes, there is a separate blog for it because I don't want my blog to get messy and confusing.

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