Sunday 10 July 2011


NYAHHHHH! The hype surrounding Harry Potter due to the release of the final film on Wednesday is so overwhelming right now... I think I'm going to vomit slugs or something. Ever since the premiere on Thursday/Friday, there has been a massive explosion of gifs, screencaps and all the like on my Tumblr dashboard (more than usual anyway, half of the blogs I follow are Harry Potter related). The excitement of the finale hitting the screens in just a few days is at its peak, when I say that, I mean that there is no way that people could get even more excited.  I just watched Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets and I never noticed how much foreshadowing there is in that movie. From when Lucius drops Tom Riddle's diary into Ginny's cauldron, to the continual focus on the basins in the girls bathroom. I NEVER NOTICED. Chris Columbus is a genius. He is my favourite Harry Potter director as of now but this might change depending on how David Yates executed the final installment. I WOULD LOVE DAVID YATES IF ONLY HE DIDN'T ABSOLUTELY KILL OoTP. He slaughtered that film so bad. He murdered one of my favourite books of the series, so he better not murder my favourite. We shall all be the judge of that next Friday. GET EXCITED PEOPLE (now I sound like Cleo). Byez0r (now I sound like Alex). TOODLES.

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