Tuesday 12 July 2011

Eye candy

I watched Source Code and Taken yesterday. It was too thrilling for somebody as psychologically weak as me to handle in a span of 6 hours. I shall start with Source Code. I stumbled upon the trailer a few months back and have been waiting for a "legit" torrent to come out so I could download it instead of spending 20 bucks (movie prices are so high now zzzz). Basically, what it is about is that they have built this new piece of technology called The Source Code which allows for somebody to go into the last 8/9 (I forgot) minutes of somebody elses life. So, they are using Captain Stevens (Jake Gyllenhallsjdkhekwjrher however you spell it) to go back into the last 8 minutes of "Sean's" life. Sean was on a Chicago-bound train when it got bombed, and this bomb is the first in a series of attacks to come. So ultimately, Captain Stevens has to find out who the bomber is to prevent the next attack from happening. It's all really psychological and gets you thinking. It's an inception style movie but it has a new concept to it. It's not time travel per say, I can't really say what it is without giving the ending away. I'd recommend it any day over Inception, but then again, I hated Inception (put your pitchforks away people). Source Code was a little bit confusing, but the anticlimax at the end explains everything. 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes people, that's saying something, not to mention Jake Gyllenhaal's ridiculously good looks. Holy mother of hnnnnnnng. I shall talk about Taken another time, if anybody cares.

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