Saturday 30 July 2011

Feminism, dead?

Harem pants, high-waist pants and padded shoulders in jackets are all raging fashion trends in our modern day society. But it seems that men can no longer take feminism seriously when women choose to dress in clothing that first appeared in MC Hammer's 'Can't Touch This' or clothes that trended from the Harry High Pants books. What do you think?

Friday 29 July 2011

subject selection

I have a pretty clear idea of what subjects I want to do and that of which I wish to share with you! (I have been rhyming everything today...).

  • English Ext. 1
  • Maths Ext. 1
  • Economics
  • Music
  • Legal Studies
I want to do science because I am actually really interested in Science. Too bad I suck at it ): 

Wednesday 27 July 2011

I spy

There has been recent talk in the media about bosses spying on their employees when they call in "sick". Bosses are on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, monitoring the activities of the supposed "sick". Now, is this an invasion of privacy, or do bosses have the right to get to the bottom of the pit of lies that is costing them business and in turn, money? I mean, these bosses entrust their finances and business with these employees but can't take their word for when they are supposedly "sick"? Or, is it the employee's fault? Should they be lying in the first place? And if they are lying, are they just plain stupid for updating their status on Facebook? I don't know. Personally, I wonder what ever happened to the good old "sickie" every now and then? Ahhhh.

Monday 25 July 2011

"brown bastards"

As I was reading through my Sunday Telegraph, I stumbled upon an article which was about how Indian call centre staff were taught to talk to Australians. In a nut shell, they were told by their managers that Australia was the dumbest continent and that all Australians are aggravated, drunken idiots who only know how to enjoy sports. Apparently this was all happening during the time where there was quite a bit of uproar in the media between Indian students and the general Australian public. The staff were told that Australians were "technologically backwards" and that the average person's phone would be no better than a Nokia 3110 Classic. They were also told that Australians love to drink and would be "smashed" every Friday night.

The fact is that this stereotyping (to a certain extent) is no where near the reality. Most Australians hold down jobs, university degrees and are living highly educated lives. This spectrum of cultural stereotyping is shocking, really. Telemarketers... It wouldn't hurt them if we all pulled "Sanjay" on them!

double standard

So recently (or not so recently... a few weeks ago), I read in the MX that this Russian man went into a hair salon with the intention of robbing it, but the female owner happened to be a black belt in karate or which ever martial art it was and she thrashed him on the ground and while he was knocked out, she dragged him into the back area of her salon and tied him up to a chair, fed him nothing but viagra for three days and used him as a sex slave to """"teach him a lesson"""". Now that the whole ordeal is over, this woman is being applauded as a flipping hero. What part of constraining a man to a chair and using him as a sex slave for three days is heroic? The woman raped the guy and yet the media and society are cheering for her "feminism".

Another incident that I read about in the same MX was this man filed for a divorce against his wife and she responded by chopping his dick off and disposing of it in the rubbish bin. You have all these women on their talk shows all "yeah, you go girl" on this story. WHAT ABOUT THE POOR GUY THAT ONLY WANTED A DIVORCE? His dick got chopped off, I would say that he definitely got more than he bargained for.

What about the woman that poured petrol all over her husband while he was sleeping and lit him on fire?

Women are always complaining "oh, if I sleep around then I'm a slut but when a man sleeps around, he's a motherfucking legend". This obviously is no longer the case because I'm sure that these are not isolated incidents and that there are more cases which haven't been widely spread in the media. I guess the moral of this all is to not fuck around with women because they can get away with the most obscene and sexists acts whereas a man can't even make a sandwich joke without being shunned as a sexist.

Friday 22 July 2011

A quick update

  • School started this week, dammnit! 
  • On the first day back, I was bombed with two music assessments D< And Mr Zallo is in freaking Thailand at the moment and we still received assessment notifications from our sub. Eugh! Give us a break! 
  • Sabrina and I have become Signal champions, overtaking Maria and Cleo (the """professionals"""). Muahahaha. 
  • A funny thing happened in history today. It was so freaking hilarious! 
Miss Hannaford: Have you guys seen the new windows? 
Kelvin: Windows 8?!
Miss Hannaford: No, the new windows outside... 
  • I am excited for my plans this weekend, which I shall blog about AFTER Monday because it would ruin the surprise... 
  • Today was so funny! I was like to Aswathi "HAVE YOU SEEN REKHA?!!!!!" and Aswathi is just like errrrr... and then I re-adjust my vision and I see Rekha is standing right in front of me T_T
  • I am going to master a Lady Gaga piano medley for music and who knows, maybe I'll make a video of it! 
  • Subject selections are coming up DDDD: I still don't know what to do!
  • I'm just making random bullet points of everything on my mind at the moment... This post is quite cluttered, like my brain at the moment. 
  • I went on a random online spree to look for things to buy but it turns out that the international shipping on everything costs more than the product itself so GAHHHH. I have to start saving up my money, whatever I earn; I tend to spend. You have no idea how crazy I am. Speaking of work, I HAVE TO START AT 6.30AM TOMORROW ): CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! IT'S GONNA BE SO FREAKING COLD!! 
  • I am so tired right now, I have been so stressed for every night of this week and I am finally free for a few days. FREEDOM IS SO SWEET. 
  • Omg, today was weird as well. Miss Boyles was like "Does anybody know the song Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees?" and nobody said anything, so she started singing it "Stayin' alive, stayin' alive..." and I was just like "Ah, ah, ah" (you know the part that follows after in the chorus? SO EMBARRASSING!  
  • Okay bye, gonna sleep 

Saturday 16 July 2011


These holidays have been the worst holidays ever! I've had the oh so very daunting exit exam on my mind 24/7 no matter what it is that I have been doing. Transformers and Harry Potter have come to their ends. The weather has been miserable and cold. I have been getting a lot of migraines. I haven't even spent quality time with my mum! Argh, we always do something in the holidays because on the weekends, I work on Saturday and she works on Sunday so bleh. Not these holidays. I haven't started history essay, nor have I started my short story and booklet for English. And today has been totally wasted doing pointless things and now I am going to start getting ready for Annie's party. I know I will have fun but as soon as I get home, I'll be depressed again. Hopefully I am super hyped from her party so that I can write my essay and story tonight... but I highly doubt this. TOODLES EVERYBODY!

(this is my first ever attempt with eyeliner, pretty satisfied)

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Eye candy

I watched Source Code and Taken yesterday. It was too thrilling for somebody as psychologically weak as me to handle in a span of 6 hours. I shall start with Source Code. I stumbled upon the trailer a few months back and have been waiting for a "legit" torrent to come out so I could download it instead of spending 20 bucks (movie prices are so high now zzzz). Basically, what it is about is that they have built this new piece of technology called The Source Code which allows for somebody to go into the last 8/9 (I forgot) minutes of somebody elses life. So, they are using Captain Stevens (Jake Gyllenhallsjdkhekwjrher however you spell it) to go back into the last 8 minutes of "Sean's" life. Sean was on a Chicago-bound train when it got bombed, and this bomb is the first in a series of attacks to come. So ultimately, Captain Stevens has to find out who the bomber is to prevent the next attack from happening. It's all really psychological and gets you thinking. It's an inception style movie but it has a new concept to it. It's not time travel per say, I can't really say what it is without giving the ending away. I'd recommend it any day over Inception, but then again, I hated Inception (put your pitchforks away people). Source Code was a little bit confusing, but the anticlimax at the end explains everything. 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes people, that's saying something, not to mention Jake Gyllenhaal's ridiculously good looks. Holy mother of hnnnnnnng. I shall talk about Taken another time, if anybody cares.

Sunday 10 July 2011


People change for the good and for the bad, for the most part it's for the good but occasionally there will be those friends that change for the bad. You were so innocent back in year 7, like a little kid that had just been given a few dollars to go buy an ice cream. Now you're trying to climb the social ladder and you think that you're getting to the top but really, you're staying still because nobody wants you to join their social circle. You always make these assumptions that things are open to you when they are not. Nyah. You were a really good friend of mine back in year 7, when you were still yourself. Now you're just hungry for more friends and are forgetting who are and have been your real friends from the start. When I say "real", I mean that not all the "friends" you have now are actually your real friends. You should break out of your sugar-coated bubble and see the truth.  We all see it, everybody sees it but you.

A field of dreams

Okay so last night, I watched Cloverfield (finally, after Renee kept saying it was the best movie ever) and it was really crazy. Throughout the entire film, the camera perspective was that of a video camera that one of the characters was using to document their night. If you watch hand-held camera vlogs of mychonny or those of the like on youtube, you will know how dizzy it makes you. Gahhhh. I was butt-dizzy from the movie and had to take breaks because it was too shakey. Although that was the effect that the director was trying to achieve or whatever, I didn't like it. They could have just had an external camera filming and it would have been just as good, but hey, it was still a pretty good movie. The "gore" was bekjwhrkjehkjth. I don't think it was even that bad but nyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it freaked me out. Especially when they showed some guy's body where his whole abdominal had been ripped out by the monster. Eugh. I didn't get why they kept showing bits of the old tape with Beth and Rob, can somebody explain what it means to me plox? 
Then, I went to bed afterwards and had the craziest dream that Super 8 was a sequel to Cloverfield and that the kids in Super 8 found the tape from Cloverfield or some shit and I thought it was real. Like, I actually was watching Super 8 in my dream even though I haven't even seen it yet. ARGH WEIRD. 

On to other news, HARRY POTTER: THE EXHIBITION is coming to Sydney YAYAYAYAYAYAAYAY! GET EXCITED PEOPLE! They are bringing the real, legit costumes and props from the films and recreating sets such as the Great Hall, Hagrid's Hut and the Gryffindor common room!! You can also have a go at pulling out a mandrake and throwing a quaffle into the hoops! IT LOOKS SO EXCITING, just when you thought you couldn't get more excited about Harry Potter, eh?

ALSO! Studio Ghibli is releasing it's new movie soon!! EXCITING! I can't wait until the exit exam is over so I can watch all of Studio Ghibli's movies. Anyone wanna join me? :D



NYAHHHHH! The hype surrounding Harry Potter due to the release of the final film on Wednesday is so overwhelming right now... I think I'm going to vomit slugs or something. Ever since the premiere on Thursday/Friday, there has been a massive explosion of gifs, screencaps and all the like on my Tumblr dashboard (more than usual anyway, half of the blogs I follow are Harry Potter related). The excitement of the finale hitting the screens in just a few days is at its peak, when I say that, I mean that there is no way that people could get even more excited.  I just watched Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets and I never noticed how much foreshadowing there is in that movie. From when Lucius drops Tom Riddle's diary into Ginny's cauldron, to the continual focus on the basins in the girls bathroom. I NEVER NOTICED. Chris Columbus is a genius. He is my favourite Harry Potter director as of now but this might change depending on how David Yates executed the final installment. I WOULD LOVE DAVID YATES IF ONLY HE DIDN'T ABSOLUTELY KILL OoTP. He slaughtered that film so bad. He murdered one of my favourite books of the series, so he better not murder my favourite. We shall all be the judge of that next Friday. GET EXCITED PEOPLE (now I sound like Cleo). Byez0r (now I sound like Alex). TOODLES.

Thursday 7 July 2011

music assessment

We have to choose a theme song from a movie and analyse it. I have chosen to do Arrival to Earth from the Transformers OST. Why? Because it has played a vital role in building up the greatness of the Transformers franchise. If you still haven't seen Transformers 3, I recommend that you do!! It is amazing, and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is so hot! NYAHHH! She's hotter than Megan Fox and can actually act, so she basically blows Megan Fox out of the series all together. So, I didn't feel weird at all fully googling all these Victoria Secret models or anything. I love Alessandra Ambrosio! SHE IS SO HOT. South-Americans have the tenancy to be really good-looking (guys and gals). Wow, this post just turned into a really superficial post about hot people. Bye.

Tuesday 5 July 2011


People that rant on and on about how shit their lives are annoy me so much. If your life is that bad, maybe you should be talking to someone about it and if your relationships with your friends or family are as bad as you describe, perhaps you should invest your time and efforts into fixing them instead of wasting all of your energy whining online where nobody really cares. Or maybe you should get high. I recommend everyone to watch this video. It will make your day, week, month, year (especially if you're a depressed little emo).

Monday 4 July 2011

Day 1 of the holidays

Apart from being completely hammered from staying up to watch the great Djokovic (WHO IS NOW WORLD NUMBER 1) take out his first Wimbledon title, I had a pretty all right day lounging around at home. I woke up at 9 and caught the bus to Woolies to get some study food for my brain (which was pretty much heaps and heaps of candy, plus BANANA milk that I have been craving for a month now). Then I realised I had to wait half an hour for the next bus so I decided to walk home because that takes half an hour anyways but I had milk and it is also my time of the month so I guess you could say I was at a "crossroad" in my life... HAHAH. So I walked home. I walked home from school last week as well. I feel so healthy nowadays. So, I got home and studied for an hour and then I watched community, followed by hellcats (which was so boring that I feel asleep, or maybe I was just tired...) and then before I knew it, I woke up and it was 3pm! The mail is always delivered by 3pm. So, I ran outside and there it was... protruding out of the slot... I don't know why I was so anxious of its arrival, it wasn't even as bad as I had expected. All is well. I have lotto school tomorrow, eugh. I have to be at Sydney Olympic Park by 8.30am ):

silence is bliss!

It's funny how we Asians give our reports to our parents not in light of praise, instead hoping that they will not deliver the lecture that they've probably prepared in their minds months before. My mum came home and read my report and said nothing but "mmm, an A for maths, eh?" On the outside I'm like HELLO LOOK AT ALL MY OTHER MARKS! But on the inside I am satisfied with how I performed this semester because I didn't receive any angry lectures from my parents because that's what all we all strive for in life, right? 5 A's, 2 B's and 1 C if anybody is interested - stupid graphics!

Friday 1 July 2011

richie is my leader

Things I WILL (not plan because that means I will never do it) do these holidays:

  • Spend time with Precy
  • bbq @ Koshigaya 
  • Holy Basil with AnnieC and Helen
  • St. Andrews Reunion 
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 @ Imax (2 MORE FUCKING WEEKS LIKE HELLZYEAH)
  • Annie C's party
  • Taronga Zoo
  • Study all day every day when I'm at home so that I don't get kicked out of Truong... My exam is on Wednesday 20th. Eugh
  • Write my short story and complete the booklet for English
  • Write my history essay
  • No tumblr whatsoever. 
I'm dreading these holidays because for some people it's going to be relaxing but for everyone that goes to Truong, it's going to be stressful as heck. It's going to be one hell of a holiday (see what I did there). 

"finding yourself"

Due to recent circumstances I have been confused with what I want to do with my life. With all the work experience and subject selection talk, I've questioned what I want to do after high school. I've always wanted to be a lawyer ever since I realised I was somewhat decent at English and enjoyed it and high school has reinforced that a lot - I've never fully understood science and I have to study my ass off for maths. But I have also developed new passions. I have grown a fondness with animals so I have been contemplating a career to do with that but I've also learnt about people who have speech problems and I realised how many people I meet with speech problems so I wanted to do speech pathology. But I also want to work in special education because I have a little cousin who has a mild form of autism. I love talking to him and teaching him new things. I have a soft spot for these causes and would be happy with helping these people for the rest of my life - too bad I have Asian parents. But then again, my parents aren't even that Asian. They've never told me what to do in terms of my career. They've never said that I have have have have to be a doctor (like a majority of my friends). On Wednesday night, my mum and I were discussing this and I asked her openly what she wanted me to be. She told me she wanted me to be a lawyer because she thinks I would be good at it. And for everybody that is feeling really unmotivated with life right now, my mum said a very smart thing (I don't know if she made it up or stole it from somewhere, she probably stole it) but she said to me "Work hard now or work hard for the rest of your life".

So I guess I "found" a part of myself. Ish.