Saturday 30 April 2011

atrocious quarrels and absolute debacles

It's true. Work teaches you to hate people. Ever since I started working, I have encountered so many bitchy customers. They take out their stress and frustration on you for no absolute reason. So,  the guy that I work with on Saturdays (Michael) gave the change to the customer, but the change was short of 20 cents. Here is the convo:
Bitchy faggotron: Matey, do you have problems counting or what?
Michael: What?
Bitchy faggotron: The change you gave me was short 20 cents.
Michael: Oh, sorry about that. *gives faggotron 20 cents*
(this is where it gets tense)
Bitchy faggotron: How many times does that happen a day, hey?
Michael: Sorry, okay?
Bitchy faggotron: Yeah, you should be sorry.
Michael: It was a mistake, okay?
Bitchy faggotron: Don't give me fucking attitude.
Michael: It was only 20 cents..
Bitchy faggotron: I work hard for this money okay?

blah blah blah "no need to get angry" blah ablahalhalebaryaryaioyaoya. I swear, a fight would have started, it was getting so hardcore. They were full having a go at each other. What have I gathered from today? That I am a helpless bystander.

Friday 29 April 2011

Happy list :)

These are just some of the things that cheer me up when I'm feeling a little down. Why am I making this list? I don't know, hopefully my beloved readers (like one person) will refer to this list when they are feeling sad. I don't know.

  • Binge eat on junk food. Seriously. That shit is good and it's effective as well. If you don't have much junk food, just throw something random together. There was this one time where I had no junk food to eat, so I cut up strawberries, sprinkled sugar on them, cut up bananas, then I melted Nutella onto that, added five scoops of ice-cream and topped it all off with maple syrup. It was so sweet. It was nice but all the more disgusting at the same time.... 
  • Drink liquids that AREN'T water. Soft drinks, juices, tea blah blah. I don't about you guys, but I am always happier to drink something that is not water as opposed to drinking water. I dunno. Maybe it's because when I was little, my parents rarely allowed me to drink anything but water. Even at parties, the rule was one cup of soft drink, and then water for the rest of the party ): 
  • Sleep. Sleep solves everything, even if it is only temporary. 
  • Read over my chat logs (corny shizzeh) but it makes me happy :) 
  • Look through family photos, dawwwwwww. 
  • Go play/listen to music. 
I made this post last night and now I've forgotten everything that I was going to write up. 

Thursday 21 April 2011

awkward turtle.

I hate it when you bump into someone from school at the shops or something, whether it be during the weekend or holiday. If it's somebody that you're close with, then it's fine because you can just stop and have a normal, not awkward conversation; a quick catch up. If it's a mere acquaintance, that too is fine. Why? Because all you have to do is smile or give them a simple "hi". You don't need to stop and make awkward conversation. What makes it an awkward situation is when you bump into someone that's more than an stranger to you but not a close friend and you have no idea what to talk about. The conversation just goes a little like this:

A: Hey!
B: Hi! How's it going?
A: Great, what are you doing here?
B: Just hanging out with the family..
A: Ohh....
B: Yeah....
A: ......
B: ......
A: ......
B: Well, I should probably get going now ...
A: Oh okay, bye!

But then again, maybe it's just my sheer inability to hold a conversation. *awkward*

Tuesday 19 April 2011


It has come to my attention that Bonnie Wright is a terrible actress (Bonnie Wright plays Ginny Weasley). She completely ruined the Harry+Ginny relationship. I must admit  that I am guilty of watching some of the films before reading their books but as soon as I read the books, the bliss of Harry+Ginny was restored. They have no chemistry whatsoever on screen! It's so irritating. When they talk, it's awkward. When they kiss, it's rigid; not free. It just annoys me when they have their supposed """romantic""" moments on screen because it's nowhere near romantic, and to think that they go on to marry each other is just saddening and doing the series a complete injustice. They should have casted somebody else to play Ginny because she ruined everything. Or, J.K Rowling should have just married Luna and Harry together. Yeah. I like that. Yay, let's turn this post into a Luna Lovegood appreciation post!


Saturday 16 April 2011

Pancakes and shopping in the city!

My oh my! What beautiful day it was to venture into the city with my girlies (..what?), well before the rain started to bucket down on us ): The highlight for me was the meal at Pancakes on the Rocks (obviously, c'mon). It was absolutely ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The buttermilk pancakes were so soft and fluffy and the warmness of the pancake with the coldness of the ice-cream was such a contrast, mmmmm. The chicken and bacon pizza was the second best pizza I've ever had (the best being some random kebab shop in Surry Hills). Ugh. Just complete and utter UGH. It was so good! Great atmosphere, great service and great company; the ultimate combination in having a fantastic meal.

Photo credit to Helen. Hmpf.

Thursday 14 April 2011

The Finders Keepers

Basically, The Finders Keepers is a bi-annual art and design market that enforces LOCAL designers, artists and musicians and "contemporary" design, as opposed what you would find in Superdry (a shirt for $80 that cost $2 to make in China?). It's held over a period of 2 days (Friday and Saturday) and has a "festival"-(live music) feel to it. It's an expo that showcases the new and emerging designers of Australia. It's original and it's a change from the pretentious market that people are exposed to nowadays.
I am very excited for this event, I expect three types of people to show up.
1) The grannys that have the most experience because they've been attending design markets and car boots their whole lives.
2) The middle-aged women that need a new project to keep themselves/kids busy.
3) The young people that are into florals and cool pieces of decor. The ones that are sick of the "brand" labels that dominate the market, this including of course, moir.

Quick pictures from the site of their previous markets. Time to start saving up some $$$$$

Sunday 10 April 2011

child labour much?!

I had a dream (nightmare more like) that I wasn't going to get paid today because I didn't work hard enough on Saturday. I woke up at 2am with a very fast heart rate. I was so scared because I didn't want to be butt-broke for the holidays. I went back to sleep, hoping to have a more pleasant dream. Instead, this dream came back. This happened about 3 times before the dream slightly changed. In the last dream that I had, it turns out the boss was going to pay me $3.50 to teach me a lesson ): So now I'm awake at 9am on the first official day of the school holidays, waiting for my leftover pizza to cook and Alice in Wonderland to load. What a fun holidays this is going to be.

Have your cheesecake and eat it too!

Yesterday at work, I was browsing through one of the cooking magazines and this caught my eye. What is this disgusting looking thing I baked you ask? It's a white chocolate and berry cheesecake. Aside from the fact that I had to beat the crap out of the sour cream and cream cheese because I don't have a food processor, it wasn't all that difficult AND it turned out okay... kind of. The presentation is very disgusting though, but it tastes heavenly. I'm not a fan of cheesecake, but I love this (and it's not only because I baked it myself, okay?). The only fault with the taste is that the pieces of white chocolate didn't melt. So while you devour your way through the cheesecake, enjoying the cheesiness, you hit this large chunk of white chocolate which overpowers the cheese which makes it too sweet. Aside from that, it is very goooooood. Pictures below (sorry for the crappy angles and lighting ughhhhhhh). 

More TB & HBC spam.

Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter in Vogue UK, December '08. UGH! This is my favourite celebrity couple. They are the ultimate power couple. Screw Brangelina. Did anybody else notice the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory reference in the third picture? Ughhhhhh. This is going to take time to get over!

One person's craziness is another person's reality

These are the words of one of the most visionary film makers in history. He is renowned for his dark, quirky and bizarre movies and is married to Helena Bonham Carter. IT'S TIM BURTON EVERYBODY (that sounded like an introduction to a talk show...). Anyways, I am watching Alice In Wonderland right now (Tim Burton's 2010 adaptation), well not right now, but I'm waiting for it to load. It's so different from the book! So, so sosososossososo different. But at the same time, it's very similar. Now I'm just sounding like a bipolar Alice. It hit me today how freaking brilliant Tim Burton is. I can't even put into words the respect I have for this man. Ugh. He is just a cinematic mastermind. Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, James and the Giant Peach, Planet of the Apes, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wonderland, UGHHH! I can't express my newly found love for this man. I don't think Tim and Helena's children will ever understand how brilliant their parents are.

Alexander McQueen's 'A Tim Burton's Tale' collection. 

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Apparently, this term is 'old'. I didn't even know about it until this morning! Let me explain to you what it means, although the majority of you would probably already know what it means because I am so out of date with everything nowadays! Basically, if you are a banana, it means that you are an Asian, but on the inside; your behaviours, thoughts and preferences are 'white' - just like a banana (go figure -.-). I believe that I am somewhat of a banana. I've lived in a completely white-washed community for most of my life. I don't eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner (I'm not being stereotypical; you have no idea how many Asians actually do that!). I actually have tried cuisines other than Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese (ahem, Asian friends of mine that have never had tacos?!). I don't even know where I am going with this post. I think it's really funny how people use food to describe people and their race. 
Another example is the Oreo - black on the outside, white on the inside. Yeah, you get my drift. 

Monday 4 April 2011

Tell me would you kill, to save a life?

This is one of the best live performances from 30 Seconds To Mars. Jared Leto's ability to hit those high notes in the bridge is mind-blasting. It sends chills up my spine. Hooray to people in the music industry that can actually sing without the aid of auto-tune. *ahem Rebecca Black*


  • Go lasertag
  • Mexican day with the gals
  • Food day with the fatties
  • Go watch a movie with this pussy
  • Go out with SHARDY (LOL)
  • Watch The Notebook and binge eat with Durga
  • Watch Limitless, The Mechanic and Never Let Me Go
  • Hopefully create some interesting outfit posts
  • Read the Great Gatsby
  • Read Never Let Me Go
  • Finish my quilt 
  • Bake 
  • Work and earn some more  $$$$
  • Easter Show (?) 
  • Learn a hard song on piano and not give up halfway
  • Watch The Office for Sabrina and Renee
  • Play some tennis 
  • Go for runs
  • Sleep, eat & bum around. 

Saturday 2 April 2011

not judging a book by its cover

I don't think I truly understood the meaning of this until a few months ago. Ever since I started volunteering at the Salvos Store I've noticed that there are actually not many volunteers. The majority of the people that "work" there are serving community service hours because they've gotten into trouble with the law. For about a year, I didn't really bother "talking" to any of them. I didn't hate them or anything, I still made small talk with them, but I never really bothered getting to know any of them. I don't know why, I just wasn't interested. But a few months ago, I started talking to this lovely lady called Sarah. She told me about her life, how she was forced to drop out of school in year 10 and get married because of her Turkish traditions, how she has two kids (the youngest being 13 months) and how guilty she feels for having to leave them at home to do community service. I can tell she doesn't enjoy community service (who does?), but she is willing to work productively, as opposed to the lazy douchebags that just linger around the back, rummaging through the dvds. She puts on a smile and is super friendly to everybody. Surprisingly, despite our age difference, we are able to relate to each other. I really enjoy her company on Saturdays. I haven't asked her what it is she's done, and I don't plan to because it doesn't matter to me. She is who she is and I love her for that. Nothing she says will change that. People make mistakes, I think it's absolutely ridiculous how they have to live with 'criminal' tattooed to their forehead for the rest of their lives. Anyway kids, the moral of the day is to never judge a book by its cover. Just because somebody has a criminal record, it doesn't mean that they are a thug without feelings. Just think about how they feel before judging, eh?

Friday 1 April 2011

Never Let Me Go

This movie is finally opening in Australian Cinemas, after opening in America in September 2010. WHY. The movie is a Dystopian drama. Which is basically the opposite of a Utopia, interesting right? The plot in a nutshell is basically; scientists have found something to extend human life by 100 years or so. They decide to trial it on these kids, which are basically imprisoned in their boarding school, kind of like a concentration camp. They learn of their fate, which is that they are living as organ donors and will die before they can reach their full potential or something of the like. Blah blah, it centrals around three teenagers; two girls, one guy. The typical cliche; girl likes boy, boy gets into relationship with the other girl. I don't know why it's so appealing to me. Just the Dystopian plot and clones interests me! Watch the movie everybody! I shall watch it in the holidays, so if anybody spoils it, DIE.


Ever since doing this Architectural Drawing unit in graphics, I've been looking at all of these houses online and I've been very inspired! Too bad the inspiration doesn't reflect in the house I had to design for the assessment, which is no where near completed and is due, fully mounted on Tuesday. Wah. I don't mind drawing my ideas onto paper, but asking me to design it on a computer program would pretty much mean a C-level result. I absolutely cannot use a computer. Why am I wasting my precious assessment time blogging? Bye.