Monday 7 November 2011

Chicken Crimpy

On Friday afternoon, my parents and I went to the Party Warehouse to get our Hawaiian supplies while my sister was at cadets. We got all this stuff and it was very exciting, anyways, more to the point of this post... We went to pick up my sister from Hurlstone and while we waited, I was eating my chicken crimpy shapes (that is the best flavour of shapes, EVER!). My parents were really hungry so they ate them too, which is weird because my parents never eat junk food... ever. While we were munching on these deliciously salty biscuits, my dad was like "I bet Arnotts is in a multi-billion dollar deal with a pharmaceutical company" and I was like "WHAT LHAHAHIAOHEJAHAHHAHAHAHA" and he's like "Why else would they make these so salty? It's so that people who eat them get diseases and take medicine from their buddies who they have signed a contract with whilst holidaying together in Hawaii" My dad should become a business man right? Oh gosh. Haha. Today Joanne brought me a cake pop from wherever she got it from! If you don't know what a cake pop is, it's a cake ball on a stick like a lollipop but a cake. It is so awesome! The recipe can be found here, too bad all the stuff is American... Not that I could make it anyways. I cannot wait for SC to be over and done with, then I can spend my days doing whatever I want without a care in the world! YAYERZ. Normally I'm a Christmas grouch but I have a good feeling about the holidays this year, study hard my friends (if you read this before Tuesday, which I highly doubt because you will all be studying your asses off whilst I am here talking to nobody).

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