Saturday 12 November 2011

Cruel to be Kind?

I woke up today and the first thing I did was clean my table. My table had mountains of work and revision sheets for the SC that had I had accumulated from all of the teachers this year. DO YOU KNOW HOW GOOD IT IS TO THROW OUT ALL OF YOUR STUDY NOTES?! Oh, the adrenalin! IT FEELS SO FREAKING LIBERATING TO JUST THROW EVERYTHING OUT. GAHHHHH. Anyways. Today is World Kindness Day so I'm going to go shopping and be kind to myself and not so kind to my wallet. I didn't even know there was a World Kindness Movement but then again, what do I know? You know what I hate? After you have a really refreshing shower and then you realise that you need to pee straight after. I don't know if anybody else experiences this, but it occasionally happens to me and it sucks! I feel like it's a waste of a shower. Why am I even blogging about my peeing and shower habits? Happy World Kindness Day everybody :)

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