Monday 28 November 2011

Toys R Not Us

You know when you buy a new dress and you can't wait to wear it out? When you get a new phone and can't wait for the first charging of the battery to be over? Then, you would know the feeling of after wearing that dress out and after a few weeks of playing around with the new phone. The experience of having something new was fun whilst it lasted but after wearing the dress to a party, you realise that everybody has seen you in it. After a few weeks of using your new phone, you realise it's just like every other phone you've had only with a larger screen or a QWERTY keypad. Similarly, "friends" are tossed aside when you find somebody better; more fun. But eventually, you get bored of them and come back to the old toys that you threw to the bottom of the toy box because they got boring to you. Grow up.

The Nguyens go to Hawaii!

You may or may not know that my house turned into the closest thing my family had to a vacation in Hawaii last Saturday. It was a success and has started a trend in themed parties for the future (yay? I ernno). All of the furniture in the living room was removed to transform the room that I had so many childhood memories watching good ol' Arthur into an Asian Gabba Fest. Who knew my family were such lively, energetic, party animals? 

Oh, and some douche spilled beer all over my dad's laptop and now it's dead. 

Monday 21 November 2011


Every year as a child, a few weeks before Christmas, my aunty and my mum would take my sister and me to David Jones at Macarthur Square to pick out our Christmas presents. Although that completely ruined the element of surprise with Christmas gifts, it was always fun to pick out our own presents. We always loved the toy section but we could only choose three presents; one from my mum, aunty and dad (my dad never went with us though, he hated and still hates shopping). Then, my mum would put them in the storage closet on the highest shelf hoping that we wouldn't be able to reach them. But I'll admit, almost everyday leading up to Christmas, I would climb on a chair and just look at my presents. Oh gosh, I miss that feeling. I felt to bad-ass and stealthy. A week before Christmas, my mum would wrap up the presents and put them under the Christmas tree (which I haven't seen in several odd years) and there were always more presents that we didn't choose ourselves which was always exciting! AND WHEN CHRISTMAS FUCKING DAY ARRIVED... HELLZYAYER! I don't even know why we did this whole Christmas tree and presents thing, we are Buddhists after all. But it was fun. My favourite surprise present from my mum was this Delta Goodrem dvd with all of her songs and music videos and live performances and stuff... Cheesy, I know. But she was my idol, with the whole piano playing act anyways. Now my parents are old, lame and boring and can just buy me off with money. Don't get me wrong, I love it when they give me money but sometimes it would be cool to receive gifts like the good ol' days. Ahhh. I still have this bead set that I chose when I was like 8 years old. I never made a single bracelet or necklace. Now I don't know what to do with it.

Last Christmas I was in Vietnam after having spent an awesome week in Hong Kong. The one before that my dad was in hospital. I wonder what is on the menu for Christmas 2011...

Monday 14 November 2011

I hate arrogant people who feel the need to comment on everything on Facebook. Firstly, nobody was talking to you. I don't understand why people who are not good friends with certain people like to act as if they are on Facebook. Do you have nothing else to do but sit in front of your computer screen waiting for somebody to post  a status for you to leave an irrelevant and uber ignorant comment on? Yeah. I suppose you don't. What was I even thinking? You know what's even funnier than your non-existent life? The fact that you delete your comments once somebody owns your pompous ass. Get off your high, "conservative" horse and stop judging people. If you don't believe in homosexuality, that's cool. Just don't bag it out in front of others. Stop acting as if you are so cool by going against the supposed "mainstream" when the fact is that you are just an ignorant, loser hipster with no friends. How long did your """relationship""" last, a few weeks? Ha.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Cruel to be Kind?

I woke up today and the first thing I did was clean my table. My table had mountains of work and revision sheets for the SC that had I had accumulated from all of the teachers this year. DO YOU KNOW HOW GOOD IT IS TO THROW OUT ALL OF YOUR STUDY NOTES?! Oh, the adrenalin! IT FEELS SO FREAKING LIBERATING TO JUST THROW EVERYTHING OUT. GAHHHHH. Anyways. Today is World Kindness Day so I'm going to go shopping and be kind to myself and not so kind to my wallet. I didn't even know there was a World Kindness Movement but then again, what do I know? You know what I hate? After you have a really refreshing shower and then you realise that you need to pee straight after. I don't know if anybody else experiences this, but it occasionally happens to me and it sucks! I feel like it's a waste of a shower. Why am I even blogging about my peeing and shower habits? Happy World Kindness Day everybody :)

Thursday 10 November 2011

Frolicking in Freedom

My my, we are finally free! After a year of endless studying for exams, overloading on caffeine, super tedious assignments and almost no sleep, we are free for the next 3 months or so! I can come home from school and just  sleep without worrying about when to wake up to do my homework. I can also just sit in front of the computer for 6 hours straight. I can tell that I'm going to have a lot of fun during my last free holidays for the next two years, hehehe.

Today was so funny. We were playing Signal in science and Anita was like "Hi-five!" to Aswathi (her partner) but Aswathi didn't hear her and Anita ended up hi-fiving herself!! Oh Renee, you chose the wrong day to be away! Anyways, right now I am eating Banh Bot Loc that my mum bought from the temple today. They are so yummy! It's like this Vietnamese dumpling thing and normally it's filled with shrimp and stuff but this one is vegetarian seeing as it is from the temple. I think it is my favourite Viet thing to eat, it reminds me of my grandma because she makes the best ones. ANYWAYS. Enough Vietnamese culture for this post. I have this new thing that I do. When people are trying to convince me of something, I go "Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?" I know it's been around for ages but I manage to find so many instances in which I can use them nowadays. I hope everybody has a nice weekend. Ciao!

Monday 7 November 2011

Chicken Crimpy

On Friday afternoon, my parents and I went to the Party Warehouse to get our Hawaiian supplies while my sister was at cadets. We got all this stuff and it was very exciting, anyways, more to the point of this post... We went to pick up my sister from Hurlstone and while we waited, I was eating my chicken crimpy shapes (that is the best flavour of shapes, EVER!). My parents were really hungry so they ate them too, which is weird because my parents never eat junk food... ever. While we were munching on these deliciously salty biscuits, my dad was like "I bet Arnotts is in a multi-billion dollar deal with a pharmaceutical company" and I was like "WHAT LHAHAHIAOHEJAHAHHAHAHAHA" and he's like "Why else would they make these so salty? It's so that people who eat them get diseases and take medicine from their buddies who they have signed a contract with whilst holidaying together in Hawaii" My dad should become a business man right? Oh gosh. Haha. Today Joanne brought me a cake pop from wherever she got it from! If you don't know what a cake pop is, it's a cake ball on a stick like a lollipop but a cake. It is so awesome! The recipe can be found here, too bad all the stuff is American... Not that I could make it anyways. I cannot wait for SC to be over and done with, then I can spend my days doing whatever I want without a care in the world! YAYERZ. Normally I'm a Christmas grouch but I have a good feeling about the holidays this year, study hard my friends (if you read this before Tuesday, which I highly doubt because you will all be studying your asses off whilst I am here talking to nobody).