Tuesday 27 September 2011

Labour Day Weekend

  • Friday: Maria & Helen's 16th Safari party! I'm excited to see everybody dress up in safari/jungle costumes! Going shopping tomorrow to help Alex with his costume as well as complete my own. Livo is so shit!! jkthkjehtkjeh I hate it.
  • Saturday: Hurr durring at English tutor and then Zarin's 16th Masquerade party in the evening! Woohoo! Masquerades are so overrated that nobody chooses it as their theme so it becomes very underrated? Does that make sense? Excited.
  • Sunday: Got to get to grandparents place by 7am for my aunt's wedding! WTF 7 bloody am. We do the Asian thing at the house and then a trip to Royal Botanical Gardens for photos and then back home to get ready for the night reception which goes into the next morning!

Obviously, I am the world's biggest party animal. Obviously.

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