Wednesday 28 September 2011

Just a thought (again)

You are so ungrateful of what you have. Learn to appreciate everything that you have because there is always somebody out there that has it tougher than you. Your school placed you in a nursing home for compulsory volunteering... Oh, how dismal your life must be. 

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Labour Day Weekend

  • Friday: Maria & Helen's 16th Safari party! I'm excited to see everybody dress up in safari/jungle costumes! Going shopping tomorrow to help Alex with his costume as well as complete my own. Livo is so shit!! jkthkjehtkjeh I hate it.
  • Saturday: Hurr durring at English tutor and then Zarin's 16th Masquerade party in the evening! Woohoo! Masquerades are so overrated that nobody chooses it as their theme so it becomes very underrated? Does that make sense? Excited.
  • Sunday: Got to get to grandparents place by 7am for my aunt's wedding! WTF 7 bloody am. We do the Asian thing at the house and then a trip to Royal Botanical Gardens for photos and then back home to get ready for the night reception which goes into the next morning!

Obviously, I am the world's biggest party animal. Obviously.

Monday 26 September 2011

2 skool for kool

2. Talk about your piercings and tattoos, if you have any.

I only have my ear lobes pierced but I got them pierced twice. The first time was in year 5 or 6 and they got infected so I had to take the earrings out. The holes closed up after all the blood and pus seeped through (graphic, right? It wasn't that bad. But it was pretty gross). My ear lobes were red and swollen for weeks! I got them re-pierced in year 7 and they are still pierced right now, even though I barely wear earrings. Why am I talking about my ears? Well yeah. I'm not a cool person like Queen with multiple piercings, nor do I wish to get any more piercings D: The same with tattoos. Personally, I wouldn't get one (parents, beliefs but mainly the pain) but I love people with cool, meaningful tattoos. Not a random sleeve on a buff guy. Nope. Never. Yuck.

Anyways. These holidays have been terrible. I've been sleeping late and waking up early everyday (even though it's only been 2 days). I have absolutely nothing to do this early in the morning. It's my sister's 13th birthday today (hooray) as well as Google's (hippity hip hip hooray). I didn't get her anything because I'm poor and also had no time to go shopping. I am such a good sister. Well, I started writing this before her friends came over and I just want to say that they are the most ungrateful and rude people ever. There were like 2 nice ones which actually thanked me for cooking their bloody lunch but the rest were so rude. Did I mention I hate rude people?

Sunday 25 September 2011


1. Your middle name and how you feel about it. (of the challenge thingy)

Well, you guys (if anybody still reads this nonsensical crap of a blog) may or may not know that my full name is Yvonne Tran Nguyen. "Tran" is my mum's maiden name, nothing special or anything. I mean, half of the Asians I know have my middle name as their last name. My middle and last names are so bloody common! I guess my random first name makes up for that... But as I've spread myself among people (not sexually), I've come to realise Yvonne isn't as uncommon as I thought it was. *sigh*.

Saturday 24 September 2011

book recommendations

I have a feeling the person that asked for book recommendations was Renee. Colour me embarrassed if it's not :$ I used to read a lot but not so much anymore, so I don't know if I'm the most "qualified" person to make this list. These are books I think everyone should read:
  • All of Roald Dahl's books!! They are great for your imagination and for recapturing your childhood, my favourites are "The BFG", "The Twits" and "George's Marvelous Medicine" :) 
  • "Harry Potter", DUH. 'nuff said. Fantasy at its best right here. 
  • "Memoirs of a Geisha" is great for exploring a whole different culture. Who knew such a world existed? 
  • Another good one which exposes you to a different culture is "Does My Head Look Big in This?". It's a coming of age story through the perspective of a young Muslim girl which chooses to wear the customary hijab(?)
  • "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". If you are in D English, you probably never want to hear that name again! But after weeks and weeks of critical analysis, this book grew on me. It's very weird and out there. Be prepared to read with an open mind! 
  • The Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown ("Angels and Demons", "The Da Vinci Code" and "The Lost Symbol"). These books are absolutely thrilling! I feel so exhilarated when I'm reading, as if I'm actually experiencing the journey of the characters. It's crazy. I feel an adrenaline rush as I read which urges me to read the book faster. Has that ever happened to you? These books explore symbology and it's role in religion (exciting, right?). I highly recommend this to anyone looking for an exciting read. 
This is all I can remember off the top of my head. Sorry if it's really limited D:

Thursday 22 September 2011


The holidays have officially begun! Exciting, exciting... Even though I'm not going to be doing anything remotely exciting these holidays except for my aunt's wedding (YAYAYAYAY I FREAKING LOVE WEDDINGS :3) and the odd party or two.
Things to do at home:

  • Read (Wizard and Glass - Stephen King and Magician - Raymond E. Feist)
  • BAKE! Yay, I haven't made anything in ages because of all the studying and whatnot 
  • Learn some new piano songs
  • Exercise (I highly doubt this will happen) 
Yeah. Fun holiday for me. hahaah. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

new challenge thingy


It's not often the movie of a book is better than the book itself. Usually, copious amounts of the book are left out and key features of the plot not even slightly touched upon (*cough* HP 5,6,7 *cough*). I have never found the movie of any book to be more interesting and emotional. However, I just read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas over the weekend after watching the movie a few weeks ago. The book wasn't very well written but  maybe that's because it was being told from the angle of a nine year old boy and his style of speaking. Although it's supposed to convey a young boy's experience with the extermination camps in WWII, I didn't think the language was very good in communicating raw emotions and especially the ending! The movie was done so much better!!!! I cried for hours upon hours after watching the film and this book didn't even trigger a tear. I am deeply disappointed.

On a happier note, TRIALS ARE OVER!!! HOOOOOORAY!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Pessimistic or just realistic?

If I said that an ATAR of 99.7 was impossible for someone like me, would that be pessimistic thinking or just thinking realistically to prepare myself with alternative options?

Saturday 10 September 2011

10/09 (couldn't think of anything creative, not that my titles are ever creative)

Met up with Joanne before tutor to get some gelato from that new gelato shop which just opened at Cabra. OH MY GAD. There were more than 20 flavours to choose from, seriously! They have the typical ones and also weird ones like Nutella, Snickers, Red Bull (?!), green tea blah blah blah. Maybe green tea isn't so weird but it was weird for me so I decided to try it (and Joanne said it was nice). The first few spoons were nice but after a while it had a weird green tea aftertaste (well, duh right?). I'm not really a green tea kinda gal, black tea for the winz. Also, what's with the random boom in new restaurants/cafes/eating places in Cabra and the Canley area? Whatever. It's good. The next thing on my culinary agenda is Crispy Crepes (or is it spelled with 'k's?), which I will probably have as a post trial celebration, anyone keen?

Also, I have got my costume for Helen+Maria's party sorted (yay!).

Thursday 8 September 2011

studying, studying, yeah!

Today was the strike thing (suck shit rich, private schoolers!) and now that I think of it, it's been a long while since the last strike, yet somehow, it seems as though the teachers are always angry and protesting against the government. Whatever. I don't think anybody went to school... or had any reason to anyways. On that account, I spent the day with some of the D history gang doing some history studying/making notes for the trials/PE studying. We were fully focused at the beginning but as more people began to arrive, we became quite restless but nonetheless focused on our work. It wasn't until people started leaving to buy food (Happy Hour at Maccas!) that we started to get distracted. Then out of nowhere Ramya shows up and she blames us for her procrastination as she had planned to study by herself at the library! LOL. I blame Alex's Facebook account and the library's free WIFI for my time-wasting. I came home pretty exhausted so that must count for something right?
Oh and as for the title? While we were studying, a group of random African kids began watching Rebecca Black's 'Friday' on a nearby computer. That was not distracting at all...

Tuesday 6 September 2011


If you are going to ask me for advice and  not listen or even consider what I have to say then screw you! You go ahead and act upon your stupid, irrational impulses anyways without considering the slightest of my opinion. What's worse is that when you fail, you come back to me and I am the one that has to deal with it and try to make you feel better about yourself (my obligation as your friend) and quite frankly, I am sick of it. If you're going to ignore what I have to say and not listen to my advice, you can run along on your path of self-destruction without me.

Monday 5 September 2011


Do you ever feel like you are suffocating in your own life, being completely overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and angst? Do you feel like you are surrounded my ignorant people who think they can do whatever they want without any repercussions? Do you feel spite and hatred towards people for no good reason? Yeah, me too.