Sunday 28 August 2011


Some fag and came late so we missed the 12.30pm session for Rise of the Planet of the Apes (couldn't they have just called it Rise of the Apes? Seriously...). The next session was at 2.45 so we had some a lot of time to kill so we decided to go to the library! We just sat down and read random books, it was the most fun I've had with anyone for a long time. Every time we hang out, I forget about the things that are bothering me and I am able to just enjoy the present. I think that's why I like you. Somehow, you make me forget about my problems and stressful life, even if it is only momentarily.

So what did I think of Rise of the Planet of the Apes? The movie wasn't as great as I had anticipated. I think they highlighted the unjust, brutal treatment of animals in labs and testing facilities brilliantly. It took forever for the movie to reach the climax (the apes going against the humans) and when it did reach the climax, it didn't last very long. It was a pretty good movie though, lots of symbolism and motifs throughout. However, I would have been happy to just torrent it and watch it on my computer. Juz sayin'.  

From watching The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas last night and the Rise of the Planet of the Apes today, I am one hundred percent sure that I want to study humanities/law in uni (hopefully). Don't even get me started on The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I went to bed at 10pm and didn't sleep until 3am because my mind was running wild with all of the injustices that the Jews suffered for simply being a Jew. The world we live in is a cruel and unfair place. That's all I can say.

Saturday 27 August 2011


I have been so busy and caught up in my life that I have failed to be a good friend in the past month or two. The worst part is that it is not only to one specific friend, but to all of them. Not only has it been busy and hectic, but I have also become selfish in the sense that all I do is worry about my own problems and my own life. I have rarely stopped to ask someone how their life is and what's on their mind. I feel as if I am completely disconnected from most of my closest friends right now and it is eating me up inside. I just wanted to let my friends know that I do care and I am sorry for being such a shit friend lately. I am starting to try harder, be less selfish and self-centered for you guys. I mean, it's the least I could do for what I owe to you guys. *queue corny music*

Monday 22 August 2011

Subject Selection Mayhem

It seems as though as soon as I am happy with my selection, a new thought seeps into my consciousness. What if I do this subject instead? Why am I doing that subject anyway? And so the reshuffling of subjects begin. This has happened almost everyday this past week, no joke. It makes me doubt whether I have the decisiveness and determination to achieve my goals and aspirations. As of this afternoon, my subjects are:

  • Ext. Maths
  • Ext. English
  • Economics
  • Earth and Env. Science (PEOPLE CHOOSE THIS SUBJECT!)
  • Society and Culture

I think these subjects suit my humanitarian (or so I like to think) nature and this is probably the final draft. Also, I am ordering Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go", Ron Rash's "Burning Bright" and Nicholas Sparks' "The Notebook" to read after I finish my seemingly endless collection of Dan Brown books.

Saturday 20 August 2011

partying like yeah

Whilst everybody is partying at Danny's, I am sitting back in my snuggie, drinking some hot black tea and shopping online for books. Today my mum allowed for me to "splurge" on stationery for my studies (a generous Asian she is). I don't know what it is, but I love going to Officeworks. It must be my inner-nerd or something. Oh but, my parents get even more Asian people! At dinner my dad was like 'hey, seeing as you're doing ext. English, I expect that you will be reading a lot so I set up an Amazon and Paypal account for you to purchase books online because it's so much cheaper!!!' He was fully boasting about his newly found 'Amazon' and how cheap everything is and my mum was just lecturing us on how we will get scammed by con-artists (ASIAN MUCH?).

Today at English tutor I had to read my choice of a Bruce Dawe poem followed by a 2 minute analysis of it. I have to say, this was the most nervous I had ever been! It was really weird. I have never been this nervous for debating in front of random people or English speeches. This speech wasn't even fully serious and I was so scared. Maybe it's because I'm new, but I've found myself getting nervous over petty things recently. Bruce Dawe is a very interesting poet, everybody should check him out (I analysed 'Homecoming' if anybody is interested).
You know what else makes me nervous? Job interviews. Although I've only ever had two in my life, they make me hella nervous. I had one on Friday for the City Beach store opening in Macarthur in a few weeks. I was freaking late! My mum missed the turn and we had to go straight and go all the way around. I was five minutes late to a GROUP interview - colour me embarrassed. The experience of a group interview was completely new to me. We had to stand up and introduce ourselves and why we wanted to work for City Beach and after that, we had one-on-one interviews with the HR crew. I believe I did pretty well apart from being late.

Watching Beauty and the Beast now - Walt Disney a member of Priory of Sion? Nahhhhhhhh.

Saturday 13 August 2011


I no longer have my job at the Newsagency (creyyyyy). It's funny how much I resented my job when I had it but now that I've lost it, I'm filled with emotions of sadness. Hilarious, really. I just felt so much more independent with a job. I never needed to ask my parents for money which was good because most of the time when I ask for money, I don't get it anyways. I want to find another job but I'm hesitant with senior years coming up (not too mention my boss still has not written my reference yet...after a whole week of promising to do so - reminds me why I wanted to quit in the first place). Ah, the problems of being a melodramatic teenage girl living in the first world. 

Saturday 6 August 2011

give me the money or I'll give your kids AIDS

Some man (heaven forbid what his name is) who is a father of two allegedly attempted to extort money from families by threatening that he would inject their children with AIDS if they did not pay up. He targeted a total of 18 victims, some of which were his family friends, friends of his children, his former colleague and his doctor. He demanded from $6 000 to $105 000. On some occasions, families paid him $50 000. His defense is that he was  more than $150 000 in debt excluding his mortgage. That's not gonna cut it mister. If this guy gets let off in our much out of tuned court of law, I'm gonna inject someone's kid with AIDS.

Monday 1 August 2011

I said no, no, no

Why is it that once notoriously scandalous pop stars die, their talent is more widely appreciated? Why did multiple Michael Jackson albums surge to the top of the charts after his death? Why were people more public about their admiration for his music? It seems as though all of the scandalous things that he did (or got accused of doing) during his life were forgotten and thus forgiven once he died. The same goes for Amy Winehouse. Ever since her death last week (?), the public have finally given their empathy and support for the alcoholic that was. People have been calling her a "troubled soul" and saying how it was such a waste of talent blah blah blah. Can I just remind you how harshly Amy Winehouse was scrutinised in the media for her drug-use and alcohol addiction. Now, her album has rocketed to number 1 on the British charts and it seems as though people have swayed their opinions of the pop star due to her unfortunate death.
I don't mean any disrespect to Michael Jackson nor Amy Winehouse (don't get me wrong, I love their music) but it's kind of strange that people's views are able to be changed so easily.