Saturday 11 June 2011

Personal post because I'm kewl

  • Woke up and got ready for work.
  • Whilst doing so, I heard this thing on Sunrise about an Archbishop saying that the acceptance of same-sex marriages will lead to the acceptance of polygamy and incest (I typed up a giant post about polygamy but didn't want to post it).
  • This made me very angry. 
  • Went to work. My boss was screaming into her phone calling someone a bitch.
  • Ouch. 
  • Yada yada yada. Was taking some stock down to the other store and met Aswathi along the way.
  • She told me about some cute guy working at Salvos. It was very weird coming from her. 
  • Didn't get my lunch break until 2?! It's one thing to enslave me to child labour but to deprive me of my food? Die. 
  • Blah blah blah. Waited 30 minutes for my stupid bus to arrive (that's spatial inequality for ya). 
  • Sprinted from the bus stop to my house because I was so scared somebody would rape me (okay, I didn't sprint, I power walked). 
  • Coming home to an empty and dark house is scary. I checked all the rooms before settling down to watch The Office. 
  • My parents came home with my belated birthday present, it's a white gold necklace, very pretty :)
  • Spent 6 hours on the computer on Lady Gaga's Vevo, The Pussycat Dolls Vevo, watching a 'Study Hard Anthem' (Party Rock Anthem parody which I found very invigorating), reading about Opus Dei, J.J Abrams and polygamy. 
  • Now I'm going to watch The Lord of The Rings. 
  • I love long weekends. They rock. 
  • Now that I think of it, why was I on The Pussycat Dolls Vevo? 
  • Is it weird if I ask for a pay rise now that I am 16 years old?
  • Do I get paid double for working on a long weekend? 

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