Tuesday 28 June 2011


OMG. So today we had the weirdest sub for music. Seriously. Rihanna Dayoub was having a breathing attack or something, like she was frantically screaming and crying and going "omgomgomgg I can't breathe omgomgogmg" and the sub was just smiling. After people started to crowd around her he asks "Is she okay?" YOU DUMB BITCH. WERE YOU WAITING FOR HER TO DIE? And omg, he was so passionate about slavery and he wasn't anti-slavery, he was PRO. He was a serious weirdo. Some random kid comes into the classroom with the truancy bucket and the sub was like "What do you want? Money? God, beggars are everywhere nowadays." and Shana was like SAVE YOURSELF! LOL it was very funny. He was so rude and it was like he was trying to be funny. And he also looked like Hitler. He had some big ""secret"" that he was gonna tell us if we were good and it was something about slavery. He became a teacher because there were no vacancies as slave drivers? WTH IS A SLAVE DRIVER. AND ALSO, YOU DO NOT JOKE ABOUT SLAVERY. This guy was so stupid. I was seriously scared for my life and the life of my classmates. I honestly thought he was gonna trap us or something. HE WAS SERIOUSLY PSYCHO. EVERYBODY IN MUSIC WOULD UNDERSTAND ARGH.

Saturday 25 June 2011


Weekend fun (sarcasm half-intended)

Yesterday, my whole family went on a road trip to Wollongong while I was stuck working - JHRKJWHRJKWHRARGH. I remember this man walked in and he was like "HEYA SWEETCHEEKS!" and I was like errrrrr.... but for some reason, it made me laugh. He was so cheerful and even if it was a tad creepy and weird, I don't mind. Working teaches me to really resent a lot of people but that spite is made up in the number of lovely people that I encounter. So it's all good. The shop was really busy for like 20 minutes straight, I was fully stressed and after everyone was gone, this man comes in and he's like "I was waiting for it to quiet down a bit, I didn't want to add to your stress." What a nice person. He was waiting outside the entire time. Anyways! After work, I caught the bus home and I wasn't paranoid about rapists and stalkers for once. I had the best blueberry danish of my life today. IT WAS SO AMAZING. I COULD TASTE THE FRESH JUICE OF THE BLUEBERRY. Anyways, the family finally arrived home and we were deciding where to eat; Mounties or Bankstown RSL. Of course we opted for Bankstown. Like come on, sushi train+chocolate fountain? HELLZYEAH BABY!

I think it's the first buffet I have been to this year (SAD RIGHT?!) but it made me realise why buffets suck. Yeah don't get me wrong, the food is DELICIOUS. AND THERE IS SO MUCH OF IT. But I can never control myself! There are two types of buffet eaters that I HATE the most.

1) the fat gluttonous pigs that deserve to die - now I'm talking about the ones that have their plate(s) filled to the edge and yet they still roam around looking for more food. Yes, it is ALL YOU CAN EAT, but not in one round (yes, I like to think as each trip back to get more food as another round).

2) the campers that should go back to COD - the ones that lurk around waiting for new dishes to be put out and as soon as the waitress replaces the old dish, they scab all the good-looking pieces (mostly applicable to desserts).

Omg, the sushi train was so so so so so stressful. This little girl in front of me, she kept grabbing one piece from each plate when there are two pieces on one plate. WHY NOT GRAB THE OTHER PIECE? IT'S SO UNHYGIENIC EUGH. AND SHE KEPT STEALING THE ONES I WANTED. AND SHE ONLY TOOK ONE PIECE OF IT. STUPID GIRL. I ate so much that when we were leaving the place and had to walk through the food area, I had to hold my breath or else I would have vomited. BLEH!

And now, my whole family is at Yum Cha while I am at home waiting for my Beastly download to finish. Why do I keep saying whole family? Because my cousin and her husband from Queensland came down earlier this week so yaaaaaaa.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

be careful where you fall asleep kiddies

So while everybody was at the P.E excursion, I was at home looking at random shit which I shall share with you all. Obviously, I was very bored at home. 

Tuesday 21 June 2011

geek 'n' proud (who gets my Mystique reference? huhuhu)

  • I enjoy reading books
  • I enjoy playing classical music
  • I enjoy Harry Potter
  • I enjoy The Lord of The Rings
  • I enjoy watching the news
  • I enjoy reading the news
  • I enjoy the Big Bang Theory
  • I enjoy the X-men trilogy
  • I enjoy writing
  • I enjoy debating (sorta.....) 
  • I actually give two shits about my education unlike the bogans that make up half of our school. 
These things don't even make me geeky. Whatever. 

Monday 20 June 2011


As I was coming home from work at about 7.20 ish and my dad was driving up our street, one of the house alarms of the houses was blaring like a police siren, it was MEGA loud man. It's funny because nearly everybody opened their fronts doors to check it out and once they discovered the cause of the mass noise pollution, they just sighed, shut their doors and went back to their lives (okay, maybe they didn't 'sigh' but whatever). I'm not gonna hate on them because my dad didn't stop to do anything, he just kept driving, but it made me think, you know? In the old days, neighbours were so well acquainted with each other! Having morning tea together, making jam and marmalade (okay, maybe I've been watching too much American TV) but seriously! How well do you know your neighbours?! You live with these people for most and if not, your entire life, and yet you make no effort to get to know them. Maybe it's just me. I don't know. I considered my old neighbours to be well acquainted with my family and yet all we did were exchange wine and fine chocolates at Christmas. We are too busy and preoccupied with our own hectic lives that we can't even manage to give 2 minutes a day to the people 'closest' to us (see what I did there hohohohoho).

Saturday 18 June 2011


Thanks guys <3


Don't you hate it when you have a deadline to meet but you can't seem to complete the work?! Normally, I experience the type of writer's block where you don't know what to write because you really don't know what to write. But today, I'm experiencing the other kind where I have so much information and ideas that I can't get them out onto paper. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The snow has been completely clean for 4 hours and will probably stay that way until a fox comes and pisses on it (TED HUGHES HOHOHO @ D ENGLISH!)

Thursday 16 June 2011

Just a thought

Would you abort your child if you knew that it was going to be autistic?

The people that say no due to ethics and morals are most probably lying to themselves. The people that say yes might not think the same after they have the child. But that makes no sense because the question is to abort. Why am I posting this?! So tell me, to abort or to not abort?

Nice guys do not finish last

I hate guys that think that acting 'nice' shows some sort of weakness. Girls do not 'dig' your jerky assholery, you just come off as a self-absorbed little bitch. It's no wonder every girl that I talk to hates your guts. It's no wonder all of the guys don't want to associate with you. You're a complete and utter douche bag. You think you can 'get' any girl you want? I don't think so mister. Only desperate and stupid girls would fall for your games, and I say that because that's all it is to you. A game. You play around with one person and when you get bored or find someone with a bigger ass or better hair, you toss them away like trash. One day you're going to have a big wake up call and pull that big head out of that ass of yours but by then, you will have no-one.
Wow. I haven't ranted like this in a while. GIRLS DO NOT LIKE IT WHEN GUYS TREAT THEM LIKE SHIT. Well, not any girl in their right mind...

Saturday 11 June 2011

Personal post because I'm kewl

  • Woke up and got ready for work.
  • Whilst doing so, I heard this thing on Sunrise about an Archbishop saying that the acceptance of same-sex marriages will lead to the acceptance of polygamy and incest (I typed up a giant post about polygamy but didn't want to post it).
  • This made me very angry. 
  • Went to work. My boss was screaming into her phone calling someone a bitch.
  • Ouch. 
  • Yada yada yada. Was taking some stock down to the other store and met Aswathi along the way.
  • She told me about some cute guy working at Salvos. It was very weird coming from her. 
  • Didn't get my lunch break until 2?! It's one thing to enslave me to child labour but to deprive me of my food? Die. 
  • Blah blah blah. Waited 30 minutes for my stupid bus to arrive (that's spatial inequality for ya). 
  • Sprinted from the bus stop to my house because I was so scared somebody would rape me (okay, I didn't sprint, I power walked). 
  • Coming home to an empty and dark house is scary. I checked all the rooms before settling down to watch The Office. 
  • My parents came home with my belated birthday present, it's a white gold necklace, very pretty :)
  • Spent 6 hours on the computer on Lady Gaga's Vevo, The Pussycat Dolls Vevo, watching a 'Study Hard Anthem' (Party Rock Anthem parody which I found very invigorating), reading about Opus Dei, J.J Abrams and polygamy. 
  • Now I'm going to watch The Lord of The Rings. 
  • I love long weekends. They rock. 
  • Now that I think of it, why was I on The Pussycat Dolls Vevo? 
  • Is it weird if I ask for a pay rise now that I am 16 years old?
  • Do I get paid double for working on a long weekend?