Tuesday 17 April 2012

Embracing Myself

Wow! It's my first post in how long? I don't even know. I got my braces off yesterday!! Man, it feels so weird. I've had them for almost two and a half years and I've become so accustomed to the extensive tongue exercises to get bits of food out of them. I kinda liked choosing from a wide array of colours to dazzle up ma teeth every month... BUT HEY! I'm not complaining now that they are off! I don't have to weave in between metal wires when I floss anymore. I won't get a million ulcers every month from the scratching of the braces against the inside of my mouth and I don't have to worry about elastics snapping in my mouth when I yawn or laugh. FREEDOM AT LAST. I went to the bathroom last night to brush my teeth and I just started laughing like an evil maniac. It felt so good to finally just brush my teeth without worrying about if I had gotten into all the nooks and cranny of the braces. I think I just blew this into a way bigger deal than what it actually is but I errrrno! I just feel like braces were a part of who I am (or was). I felt like I belonged to a group in society. Haha. Nah, everyone's gotten them (or getting) them off so I still fit in with society. A little.

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