Saturday 25 August 2012

Leading the Way

This week saw the school captain elections for 2013 and my oh my, was it a sight for sore eyes! The heavily anticipated Monday morning arrived and not to my dismay, when I arrived at school that day, the energy was buzzing. The walls, corridors and walkways were plastered with peoples' punny posters (some very awesomely photoshopped too, no thanks to Richard and Sanjay and Raymond G or anything...) All the candidates were helping each other with sticking up posters and it was such good sportsmanship! Then came the morning of the speeches. When I got to school I saw everyone in their little corners practising their speeches and it hit me. My friends were going to be those seniors that I have been forced to watch and listen to for all those years and I'll admit that I never really cared who was captain before but this year was so weird cos I actually knew them and I'm sure everyone else felt the same way during Wednesday's assembly. Wow that was a very long and "bumpy" sentence as Ms Tishler would say.... Speaking of Ms Tishler, I should get back to the essay hey? Whatever. Typical Yvonne decided to cry whilst giving Krishna a pep talk before his speech due to her overly hormonal pms-ing habits. Why the hell did I just refer to myself in third person... Anyway.  Everyone was so well spoken... Except Sachin who forgot his speech. Anita didn't turn red like an overly ripe tomato and Alyssa actually sounded formal for once. Now I'm tired and forgot why I wanted to blog about fricken captaincy. I blame pre-prelim brain :-( It was such a happy week... For the most part. Do the other grades think we are retarded because in all the years, none of the other grades have campaigned so crazily! I only remember the iconic AT4SC (which still hangs in D block,  miraculously) but other than that, our school captain elections have been the most elaborate. In a good way. I reckon we are the best, seriously.

Monday 9 July 2012

A Worldly Ask

I can't wait until I'm able to save enough cash to visit just a minuscule fraction of the marvelous wonders of our world. Too bad that's going to be in a really long while :( I shall leave you guys with some of the places I fantasise about visiting, just so that I can look at them some more. 

 Camp Bay, South Africa

Panorama Bavarian Alps, Germany

The Great Sand Sea, Egypt

Similan Islands, Thailand

Santorini, Greece

Positano, Campania, Italy

Sunday 3 June 2012


After almost two terms of fortnightly meetings (more like bludge sessions), peer support came to an end. BOO. To be honest, I wasn't really keen in the beginning because the group was really restless but as peer support progressed, they all became really close (or so it seemed anyways). I remember the first session... It was so freaking awkward. They were all just standing around awkwardly, put off by being thrown into a random group and not sure of who to talk to and we were equally as confused, not sure if we should lay down the foot or just be chill. There were the typical extroverted community students (which I grew to enjoy the company of) and the introverted selective kids, I'm just making that generalisation because that's how it typically is. I'm so happy that the community kids, as crazy as they are, were really friendly and open with the selective students. Even the shyest ones broke out of their shells and it  felt like maybe peer support wasn't a complete waste of time afterall. They are all so different and yet they all manage to get along well... But after peer support, they will probably never even talk to each other and be as segregated as our grade, along with every other grade at Mac  Fields... Or maybe it's just us? I don't know.

Friday 25 May 2012

Here Comes Treble

I wonder how depressing school would be if I hadn't chosen to do music. It's such an incredibly fun and relaxed class (probably because we just waste our time jamming to random songs and then stress to the max when our performances and compositions are due).There is such a diverse mix of people in the class and so many different personalities that I normally wouldn't mingle with. Everyone is so talented in their own way and everyone is so different in technique, skill and training. You have the piano players but even there, we are all different. There are the crazy classically trained people like Serena and Kishani and then you have Sylvia and Danny who are so amazingly talented at playing crazy scores from Final Fantasy and so forth. Then you have the mind-blowing guitarists like Tim and the community guys who rock and the singers who just randomly break out into song like Emily, Tony and Shana. Not to mention we have the coolest teacher ever as well! Lucky we don't have Ms Costa because she freaks the shit out of me and everybody else in our class too... No matter how shit the day is, music always makes it better. I love it. Not to mention it's expanded my musical mind as well, you will find the most surprising artists in my playlist now. My mum and I now listen to the same music. Ha. And to think that I wanted to do economics instead... Although it does have a much higher scaling. Ah well.

Friday 20 April 2012

Enlightening My Seoul

Today, Tony, Tim, Alex, Anita, Sylvia and I went on a trip to Strathfield to eat Korean bbq among other things. I had never been to Strathfield before, only to change trains and stuff so it was all new. It's so cool! As soon as you step outside of the station it's like you step into South Korea, not that I would know because I have never been but my sister and dad are going sometime this year or next year, I'M SO JELLY (not really). It's like Cabra and Vietnamese people. Only of course this is way cooler because it's not Vietnamese. Don't get me wrong, I love being Vietnamese but it's just not fascinating. Anyway. We went to Strathfield Plaza first and we saw Mr Nguyen there. He fits in so well with Korean people. Then we went to the bbq place and it was so cool! They use lumps of coal underneath the bbq cooking thing, I think it was coal? I don't know. A few minutes into our meal, the bbq cooking thing stopped working so we had to move to another table. I think we should have gotten a discount for that but let's not get Asian here. Tony was very sad because he knows the manager of the restaurant and could have gotten a discount but she wasn't there today! Ha. Do people not like eggplant or something? Nobody would eat the eggplant side dish but I think it was delicious! After more than 2 hours at Korean bbq we went to karaoke! Woop Woop! IT WAS SO FUN! I love going into a dark room and just belting out songs at ridiculous pitches. Of course, Tony owned us all in the singing department but kudos to everyone for spirit and passion, eh? Hehehe. I feel so sorry for the worker there. Seriously. He has to endure so much terrible singing everyday. Oh, Sylvia sung a weird Jap song that just repeated 'Pon' over and over again and it sounded like she was saying porn and things just got really dirty from there. Ha! But it was very fun. Thennnnn, we went to Noggi and had to take away because our train was coming but then we didn't even get on that train because there were no seats for us to eat our yogurt so that was really pointless. ANYWAY. I don't really like frozen yogurt that much but I ate most of it because nobody liked Pom and plain flavour and I'm a fatty. Everyone got so full after today and I was like huh? But NOW I feel super duper full. Train ride was mainly just Anita and Tony taking their bajillion sky pictures and Tony spilling yogurt on his pants and stuff. Today was so random but it was fun, not to mention a very culturally-enlightening experience (or maybe I'm just a noob). A good end to the holidays!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Bored of Studies

My tutor told me that there is no point doing Extension 1 Maths and Extension 1 English because in the end, the HSC is marked in subjects of 2 units and those two would just combine to make a random, nameless subject with no scaling whatsoever. So what's the point of wasting so much effort in Extension 1 English and Extension 1 Maths? They are both a lot of work (especially English) and ultimately, you do them for the scaling, not for the fun of them. That's why I'm dropping Extension 1 English at the end of Year 11 to focus on maths and hopefully it will save me if I do crap as hell in one of my 2 unit subjects. I just thought I would share this with some of you because we are in the same boat... Not that I am encouraging you to drop it but yeah. It's just pointless. At least with the single Extension 1 Maths unit, the scaling and whatnot is still there.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Embracing Myself

Wow! It's my first post in how long? I don't even know. I got my braces off yesterday!! Man, it feels so weird. I've had them for almost two and a half years and I've become so accustomed to the extensive tongue exercises to get bits of food out of them. I kinda liked choosing from a wide array of colours to dazzle up ma teeth every month... BUT HEY! I'm not complaining now that they are off! I don't have to weave in between metal wires when I floss anymore. I won't get a million ulcers every month from the scratching of the braces against the inside of my mouth and I don't have to worry about elastics snapping in my mouth when I yawn or laugh. FREEDOM AT LAST. I went to the bathroom last night to brush my teeth and I just started laughing like an evil maniac. It felt so good to finally just brush my teeth without worrying about if I had gotten into all the nooks and cranny of the braces. I think I just blew this into a way bigger deal than what it actually is but I errrrno! I just feel like braces were a part of who I am (or was). I felt like I belonged to a group in society. Haha. Nah, everyone's gotten them (or getting) them off so I still fit in with society. A little.