Friday 25 May 2012

Here Comes Treble

I wonder how depressing school would be if I hadn't chosen to do music. It's such an incredibly fun and relaxed class (probably because we just waste our time jamming to random songs and then stress to the max when our performances and compositions are due).There is such a diverse mix of people in the class and so many different personalities that I normally wouldn't mingle with. Everyone is so talented in their own way and everyone is so different in technique, skill and training. You have the piano players but even there, we are all different. There are the crazy classically trained people like Serena and Kishani and then you have Sylvia and Danny who are so amazingly talented at playing crazy scores from Final Fantasy and so forth. Then you have the mind-blowing guitarists like Tim and the community guys who rock and the singers who just randomly break out into song like Emily, Tony and Shana. Not to mention we have the coolest teacher ever as well! Lucky we don't have Ms Costa because she freaks the shit out of me and everybody else in our class too... No matter how shit the day is, music always makes it better. I love it. Not to mention it's expanded my musical mind as well, you will find the most surprising artists in my playlist now. My mum and I now listen to the same music. Ha. And to think that I wanted to do economics instead... Although it does have a much higher scaling. Ah well.

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