Saturday 28 May 2011

Judgement time

Having spent three and a half years in high school, I can safely say that I have learnt many things. Yeah, I've learnt all the academic stuff (or have I? huhuhuhuh our school is pretty shit) but one of the most important things that I have learnt is not to judge people. That sounds so stupid but it's true. People are always like "I don't judge" or "You shouldn't judge people, you don't know them .... yada yada yada". But the truth is that everybody judges. If you say that you don't judge, then you are obviously lying. You're one of the people that judge people who judge others (did anybody get that?). What is the point of this post? I don't know. I guess it's just that people are not always what they seem. Somebody with a piercing and a tattoo isn't a dud. Not every Asian is going to be good at maths. Yeah I don't know.

Wow, time flies! I can still remember the first day of year seven... Oh yeah, I found this designer that designs clocks and that of the like. I forgot her name, but I thought her clocks were pretty cool, so I saved a few pictures: 

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