Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Sisterhood!

Santorini - this is the one places in the world that I want to visit the most. It will be the first place I travel to once I finish school and save up enough cash... and who knows how long that'll take me. I don't know why I find this place so fascinating. I have to say, it was The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants which made me fall in love with this place. The view of the Greek mainland from this island is absolutely mind blowing! The architecture of this place is amazeballs as well. The winding roads and the Portugese style housing are what make it seem so "real", if anybody understands me? Have you ever been to a place before where it's just felt so pure and untouched by mankind? You just have this weird warming feeling when you're exploring it. That's what it was like in Macau (not the giant Kerry Packer style casinos), when I was visiting The Ruins of St. Paul. ANYWAYS, my point is that Santorini just looks like an untouched paradise and the realness of the place is what really has me at heart, I cannot wait to visit it some day!

Saturday 28 May 2011

Judgement time

Having spent three and a half years in high school, I can safely say that I have learnt many things. Yeah, I've learnt all the academic stuff (or have I? huhuhuhuh our school is pretty shit) but one of the most important things that I have learnt is not to judge people. That sounds so stupid but it's true. People are always like "I don't judge" or "You shouldn't judge people, you don't know them .... yada yada yada". But the truth is that everybody judges. If you say that you don't judge, then you are obviously lying. You're one of the people that judge people who judge others (did anybody get that?). What is the point of this post? I don't know. I guess it's just that people are not always what they seem. Somebody with a piercing and a tattoo isn't a dud. Not every Asian is going to be good at maths. Yeah I don't know.

Wow, time flies! I can still remember the first day of year seven... Oh yeah, I found this designer that designs clocks and that of the like. I forgot her name, but I thought her clocks were pretty cool, so I saved a few pictures: 

Tuesday 24 May 2011


I was on Tumblr (that doesn't make me a hipster) and I stumbled upon this!! It's a shirt that says "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" by some company called Revolution 9! THIS SHIRT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZEBALLS! Too bad it's online and I can't get it )))):

Saturday 14 May 2011

127 hours & Buried

It doesn't take a lot for me to like a movie, I'll be honest. I like most of the movies that I get the chance to see. But. There's one in ten that I will hate the crap on. One of the recent ones being 127 Hours. This film is supposed to be amazeballs. It's supposed to be super suspenseful and other cinematographic shizzeh but it just wasn't. It wasn't suspenseful at all because hello, obviously he was going to survive. Don't get me wrong, the character (to some extent) was somewhat inspirational, but the way that the story was portrayed was so blah. I was really intrigued with the plot, but the way it was carried out was such a disappointment ): Imagine how disappointed I would be if I had read the book.

A good movie is one where you already know what is going to happen, yet the director is able to make you second guess yourself. I've had instances where I've read the entire plot of a movie but when I was watching the film, I thought to myself "wait.........................". One recent examples is Buried. Everyone should watch this movie. Whenever I tell somebody to watch it, they give me this attitude "Why? It's 2 hours of some guy in a box". First of all, this ain't just """"some"""" guy, it's Ryan bleeping Reynolds. Second of all, THAT'S WHAT MAKES THE MOVIE SO AMAZING. If a movie starring only one person and only has one setting can keep you guessing than obviously it's a good film. My mum and I watched the movie before we went to my cousin's birthday party and she couldn't even drive properly because she was so shaken up from the movie.

Tuesday 10 May 2011


Yayayayayer! I am super excited to hopefully see these guys in concert in July with Sylvia! They are so gooooooood and they don't play boring, droning classical music, rather the scores from films, anime and games! wehwuehwjhahahahehehehehe THEY ARE SO PROFESSIONAL. Everybody must watch this video of their Super Mario Bros. Medley. It is a-may-zang.