Monday 28 March 2011

I'm back!

So after leaving Blogger for what seems to be ages, I am back. As the title suggests, I will probably have a theme now; food. Rest assured, I'll be posting about other things that happen in my super interesting life (sarcasm intended), but do continue to read my blog, and spread it like herpes.
 My bento at a Japanese restaurant at Darling Harbour-
The restaurant was pretty crappy. My dad wanted to take us out somewhere different for Christmas dinner and after circling the wharf for a good hour, we settled for this Japanese restaurant. I was stuck with bland and raw fish while the people next door were enjoying plentiful platters of fresh seafood. Wah. 
 My Raspberry Swirl Mini Cheesecakes- 
I went over to my cousin's house and we got bored so we opened up her cookbook and decided to make these, IT WAS SO FREAKING NICE. Food spasm right there. 

1 comment:

  1. first follower :D and get a cbox :D omg, im so excited for you, yvonne! haha
