Friday 17 February 2012

Year 11

This post is long overdue but because I refuse to do any homework tonight due to the fact that I am completely buggered to hell, I shall blog about how the "business end" of our high school life has been for me these first few weeks.

Wow. I did not expect Year 11 to take me off guard the way it did (or has?), I don't even know how to speak English anymore. I received an insurmountable amount of lectures from my teachers and parents ever since I finished SC about how Year 11 would be super hard work, but little did I know that these lectures (for once) contained a large percentage of truth. Day one and we were exposed to the notion of identity, expressive realism and traditional criticism (still don't know what the freak Catherine Belsey was on about but that's another matter) and all this other crap. We were given homework from the get go. And it wasn't even a mere few questions from the textbook. It was "do this whole exercise from what you remember from Year 10 and if you don't remember, too bad, I'll pick on you the next day to answer the question in front of the whole class and if you can't, I'll give you detention." I don't know about everybody else but I remember jack from Year 10 after almost 8 weeks of frolicking around in freedom, NOT thinking about maths. Sorry, Ms Chand. Allocating whole exercises to be completed for the next day is a bit extreme. But that's how every single day of my life has been this school year :( And that's just maths.

Music, SAC, Earth and Env. Science are less intense but still lots of work nonetheless. People think that subjects such as these do not require "hard work" but every single subject in the HSC is equal in worth. I may not be balancing covalent compounds or some shit because I'm practically incapable of doing maths outside of maths class but that doesn't mean that my HSC will be a breeze. I just don't like the connotations that they bring to the table, that is all. But I don't really care.

Everyone's staying up into the wee hours of the night to do homework (not to skype and msn and facebook stalk like the old junior days, sadly) and coming to school, completely drained of life and energy. And it's only the end of week four. Maybe it's just my inability to cope with stress and pressure, but I don't see these years as being very enjoyable. My migraines and all the physical shit I had last year are already beginning to resurface if I don't change something. I think it's time for all of us to grow up and realise that our future is completely and entirely dependent upon our decisions of the now. You will not pass anything if you don't study and work really hard for it. I'm already fretting for the upcoming trigonometry TOPIC test. I never studied for topic tests last year, they were the last thing (if ever) on my mind at all.

The gulf between junior and senior school is incomprehensible, but my friends tend to tell me that I make everything into a melodrama.

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