Saturday 25 August 2012

Leading the Way

This week saw the school captain elections for 2013 and my oh my, was it a sight for sore eyes! The heavily anticipated Monday morning arrived and not to my dismay, when I arrived at school that day, the energy was buzzing. The walls, corridors and walkways were plastered with peoples' punny posters (some very awesomely photoshopped too, no thanks to Richard and Sanjay and Raymond G or anything...) All the candidates were helping each other with sticking up posters and it was such good sportsmanship! Then came the morning of the speeches. When I got to school I saw everyone in their little corners practising their speeches and it hit me. My friends were going to be those seniors that I have been forced to watch and listen to for all those years and I'll admit that I never really cared who was captain before but this year was so weird cos I actually knew them and I'm sure everyone else felt the same way during Wednesday's assembly. Wow that was a very long and "bumpy" sentence as Ms Tishler would say.... Speaking of Ms Tishler, I should get back to the essay hey? Whatever. Typical Yvonne decided to cry whilst giving Krishna a pep talk before his speech due to her overly hormonal pms-ing habits. Why the hell did I just refer to myself in third person... Anyway.  Everyone was so well spoken... Except Sachin who forgot his speech. Anita didn't turn red like an overly ripe tomato and Alyssa actually sounded formal for once. Now I'm tired and forgot why I wanted to blog about fricken captaincy. I blame pre-prelim brain :-( It was such a happy week... For the most part. Do the other grades think we are retarded because in all the years, none of the other grades have campaigned so crazily! I only remember the iconic AT4SC (which still hangs in D block,  miraculously) but other than that, our school captain elections have been the most elaborate. In a good way. I reckon we are the best, seriously.